Santa Fe Then Transfer to UF
Some students may not be ready for a big university, but want the excitement that goes along with it. For this reason, many students choose to start their college career or even just take some of their classes at the local, Santa Fe College, which is located about 6 miles from UF. The classes are definitely smaller than those at UF and tuition is less.
Taking some classes at Santa Fe State College may be part of transitioning over to UF, but if your student’s heart is set on being a Gator, it may be worth the effort. While going to Santa Fe does not guarantee you admission to UF, UF does admit more students from SF than any other state college. The majority are admitted including 88% of students in the Santa Fe honors program. They offer several other programs and perks that can help your student become a Gator. You can read about them here.
Additionally, SF has articulation agreements with UNF, Florida A&M, and USF that guarantees admission to SF students. Click here for that information. Some students enrolled in the UF PACE program and Innovation Academy will often supplement their semester by taking credit hours at SF. Some students choose to live in off-campus housing near Santa Fe but some will choose to live with UF students (see our blog about Off-Campus Living) so they can participate in the Gator excitement.
Santa Fe students can participate in some UF activities and many do. UF Athletic Association features Santa Fe College nights when SF students get tickets to select sporting events. They are also eligible to participate in UF’s Travel and Recreation Program which includes backpacking, surfing, snorkeling, and other outdoor adventures. And, they can take part in Gator Growl, the UF Homecoming Parade, and Gator Gallop. And, they can be members of the UF Gator Marching Band.
However, girls cannot rush a sorority unless they are a primary, degree-seeking UF student enrolled in at least 1 credit hour.. Boys, officially, cannot rush a fraternity either, but some frats are more lenient about this and will take a few SF students. (you didn’t read that here)
Santa Fe is close to UF, and there are buses that shuttle students to and from Santa Fe. Gainesville’s local bus service, RTS, operates bus service to Santa Fe’s main campus.
Some students go to Santa Fe for their first few years. You can read our blog about transferring to UF for additional information. It is recommended that students contact UF advising to make the transition seamless. When you are ready to move from college to university, there are guidelines specific to transfer students that can be found here.
Not every student takes a direct route to become a Gator. Many students spend a semester, or even a few semesters, at SF before transferring. It can be a great way to start college and still be a part of the UF community.
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