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Make Sure Your Package Gets There
For all the many reasons that a student receives a package, most of them bring a welcome highlight to their day. Whether it is just their usual Amazon delivery or a care package for midterms — or even because your student is under the weather — it’s good to know a few things that will make package delivery simpler. If you have a student living on campus, UF utilizes package lockers. This allows students to pick up their packages anytime, day or night, 24/7. To alert them to pick up their items, students receive a notification email, along with two codes, when a package is delivered to their area locker.
We actually recommend using UPS (or FedEx) in comparison to USPS as it is just timelier, especially for in-state shipping. Typically, if you are sending packages from one Florida location to another, it arrives in one day at no additional fee (barring any weather issues or intervening holidays). Adding another level of convenience, CVS is now an Access Point Location for UPS. Find your UPS Access Point Location and click on the link for some great suggestions. If you are sending packages purchased or fulfilled through Amazon, you might want to consider having them sent directly to an Amazon Locker. The Gainesville location is at Whole Foods, 3490 SW Archer Road. Sometimes picking it up from Amazon is easier than having to navigate the package delivery to dorms or apartments.
Breaking the Code
Each Residence Hall address includes an eight-digit number and the name of the hall. The first two digits are for the building, the next 4 are the room number, and the last two are assigned to the individual residents, usually in the range of 01-04. The Zip Code for Residence Halls is 32612 and the “+4” add-on varies by building. It is composed of the two-digit number for the building followed by 01.
The address must show legibly. Here’s an example:
16043401 YULEE HALL
Resident Hall Addresses
The range of address prefixes for Residence halls is shown below.
11 Beaty West
12 Beaty East
13 Jennings Area
14 Broward Area
15 Mallory Hall
16 Yulee Area
17 Reid Hall
18 Rawlings Hall
19 Hume Hall East
20 Hume Hall West
21 Graham Hall
22 Simpson Hall
23 Trusler Hall
24 Tolbert Hall
25 North Hall
26 Riker/South Hall
27 Weaver Hall
28 East Hall
30 Murphree Area
31 Thomas Hall
32 Sledd Hall
33 Fletcher Hall
34 Buckman Hall
35 – 43 Keys Complex
45 – 50 Springs Area
51 – 55 Lakeside Area
UF Mail Services
UF Mail Services also provides USPS services at their Radio Road location (3030 Radio Road) and UPS services. Main Branch, Building 715, PO Box 112001. Ph: 352-392-1134. Fax: 352-392-0879
8:00 AM–5:00 PM
Mail accepted until 3:30 PM
The USPS has a contract station at the Health Science Center where they sell stamps and money orders (cash and checks only at this location), and mail packages. The Health Science Center is located at Health Science Center Branch, MG009 Health Science Center, PO Box 100001. Ph: 352-273-5022. Fax: 352-392-6090.
7:300 AM–4:30 PM
Mail accepted until 3:30 PM
Contract Station: 8:00am–3:00 PM
You may want to take a look at our Care Package blog for ideas on what to send and when. A well-timed package just may net you a quick but thankful FaceTime from your student!
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How big can boxes be? We are OOS and thinking about shipping linens etc
I would recommend several options. You did not mention whether your OOS student will be living in the dorms. If they are, have your student sign up for Amazon Prime for students (free 2-day shipping)- https://amzn.to/2NbJqib. UF utilizes package lockers. This allows students to pick up their packages anytime, day or night, 24/7. Students receive an email when their package is delivered to their area locker with two codes to pick up their item. Another option is to ship it to the closest UPS store in Gainesville. The address is 3324 W University Ave, Gainesville, FL 32607 and their phone number is (352) 376-9999
I wanted to also add that if you choose to ship it to the UPS store in Gainesville, they charge $10 if you do not have a box there and you would address it to their address and put your student’s name in the attention line. Good luck!