Summer can be the best season ever!
Ask any older Gator what their favorite semester has been so far and many will tell you it was freshman year Summer B. It’s a summer filled with so many firsts. First college lecture, first college party, first college friend, and for many, first stab at adult freedom. Even though going off to college for the first time is certainly a bit daunting, UF does a great job of easing the transition to college life.
A great resource for me during my freshman summer was my RA (resident assistant). She was super personable and quickly became a friend. I asked her all kinds of questions – from how to get to class to what to wear to parties – and she always had an answer. She lived only a few doors down from my room and her door was always open to her residents. Don’t believe everything the movies tell you about RAs!
But DO stay on top of your studying and homework. In the midst of the excitement of finally being in college (and FREEEEEE!!!…), it can be easy to forget the real reason you’re at UF. I found it really helpful to attend my professors’ office hours. Your professors want to get to know you, but you have to go to them. Be mindful about cultivating relationships with them…there will be many times down the college road that you’ll need a reference or letter of recommendation.
Living in the dorm allowed me to meet so many new people right away. Everyone is so excited to be there that friendships form and develop naturally. Two weeks into my Summer B, I knew everyone in my hall and they knew me. The girls on my floor became my going-out-on-the-town squad and, to this day, I am still friends with most of them. I will say: nothing bonds a group of girls more than sharing a communal bathroom.
In all honesty, Summer B involves a lot of going out. I don’t just mean frat parties, although there are plenty of those. We shared all kinds of adventures exploring all that Gainesville has to offer. Sunny days, a Florida staple, were always an invitation to grab a couple of friends and head to Ginnie Springs or Lake Wauburg. For more ideas like that, check out this list of great places to visit while in Gainesville. Your first Summer B will be like no other, so push yourself outside your comfort zone and submerge yourself in all that UF offers.
Make sure you grab a copy of Gator Greenbacks, a coupon book filled with money-saving discounts for textbooks, restaurants, pizza and wing delivery, oil changes, vehicle maintenance, hair salons, and more! You can also download the app to access some of the great savings during the summer.
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