Congratulations on Becoming a Dawg!
You made it! I mean, they made it, but it sure feels like we, as parents did a lot of work to get our kids to college. Becoming a Georgia Bulldog is very exciting, and now that decisions are over, and they’ve been accepted, there is still important work to be done.
First, it may sound silly, but check your admissions letter for accuracy regarding their name, entrance term, residency status, address, and major. If any changes need to be made, it needs to be done as soon as possible. Download the Welcome to UGA app and locate the MyID that was sent to your student upon acceptance. Make sure they know their password, as a UGA email was created for them too. If you need help you can click here. You will also need to complete any forms that UGA requires and pay a non-refundable $300 deposit. Deadlines for deposits are May 1 for those entering Summer and Fall semesters. Keep in mind that there are other deadlines earlier than May 1 for accepted students.
When applying for housing, I suggest putting down your deposit as soon as you get your acceptance if you want a particular dorm. Your deposit does not guarantee a particular place but secures a spot “in-line” for selecting the space of your choice. Check out the Meal Plan options and sign up for that as well. And you thought getting accepted was hard.
Register for Orientation as soon as possible. It is advised that you don’t make plans for the summer until you have your orientation dates secured. There are different dates for different groups, but all Freshmen are required to attend one of the sessions. The earlier the Orientation, the better chance you have that you will get the classes and times that you want.
Also, be sure to confirm the following:
- Your residency status for tuition purposes
- Arrange for any final transcripts and scores (AP, IB, AICE, CLEP, and transfer credits) to be sent to the Admissions Office
- Required Health screenings and immunizations
- Required Placement testing
- Your FAFSA form should have been filled out when applications opened on November 1st. If you have not already done that, do that immediately.
Also, check for any holds on your student’s account. It can be the simplest thing, like not filling out the Emergency Contact form, so you want to make sure all is in check before your child tries to register for classes.
You may also want to register on Target’s College Registry and share it with your family who is wondering what to give your high school graduate as a graduation gift.
Check out our blogs on Housing, Meal Plans, and Orientation for many more helpful details.
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