Advice Every Freshman Should Know
A little advice goes a long way. Being a freshman in college is a new experience unlike any other you have ever known. For starters, you have been thrown into a dorm room that is probably no bigger than 15 feet by 15 feet and sharing every little crevice with either a friend or stranger. You are also more than likely trying to figure out what to eat in the dining hall, how the UGA bus system works, and also where you are going to fit in at this huge university. As overwhelming as a campus of almost 40,000 students can be, it is easier than expected to find your place, your people, and your passion here. The advice I believe every freshman should be aware of before stepping foot on campus is as follows:
- Go to any and every event that interests you. Attending one event does not mean committing to be a member, so try out a few places and then see which one suits you best.
- Strive for the best grades possible and commit to earning them, usually, freshman year is full of core classes, and A’s in these will boost your GPA later on.
- Make friends everywhere… in the dining hall, in classes, in your dorms. Most of the students in your classes are also going to be a freshman looking for friends, so introduce yourself. I met one of my best friends by saying “Hey! Want to go get coffee after class and do our homework?”
- Set rules with your roommate and stick to them. Uncommunicated expectations will cause the biggest fights, so just go ahead and get those ground rules out of the way in the beginning, you’ll thank me later.
- Call and text your family. They miss you tons, I’m sure, and would love to hear about the classes you’re taking, friends you’re making, and fun you’re having.
- Go to sporting events! Every sporting event at UGA is free to students except for football games, so use that to your advantage and go support the Dawgs.
- Utilize the amazing amenities available to students: tutoring, career advice, office hours, counseling, etc. They are in place to enrich your UGA experience, so use them.
- Involve yourself with at least one organization or club at UGA. Whether it be a sorority or fraternity, or a campus ministry, or a cultural group, or a club that interests you; put yourself in a position to meet like-minded people and make friends with people who you spend time with.
- From enjoying the nightlife, taking advantage of the shopping, eating at the 150+ restaurants, or exploring the outdoor elements (lakes, zoos, and parks) around Athens, go off-campus and enjoy all the different things that Athens and surrounding counties have to offer.
- Explore different academic disciplines and find out what interests you. Take new classes, explore new fields, and find out what you want to do and who you want to be. You might end up changing your major and finding your passion all because of one elective you signed up for on a whim, so do it!
- Take time for you. Have a movie night alone, treat yourself to a coffee, or go for a run. College is hard and overwhelming, so find time to relax and listen to music and detox from stress, school, and people every once in a while.
- Familiarize yourself with the campus. Become aware of good study places, non-crowded bus stops, the different places to eat, and where your classes are. Doing this will make it so much easier to go from one place to the next, grab a quick snack, or sit down and study somewhere quietly.
Have fun!! Be a person who says yes to adventure and doesn’t miss out on the fun things going on around you. I am a fearful person, but for freshman year I chose to adopt the “yes” mentality and I am so thankful for all the memories that came out of me saying yes. And if you want to create a Bucket List, we have the perfect blog to jumpstart it!
Madeleine Morris, UGA Intern
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