Updates on Latest Plans
Seems like finding the right updates in this unusual time is tricky. I don’t think I have ever used the word unprecedented as much as I have since this pandemic began. Actually, I don’t believe I ever used the word pandemic much either. However; it is real and regardless of what these unprecedented times have brought to you and your family, the fall semester will begin before we know it and it is important that we stay up to date on the latest plans and procedures at UGA.
As of right now, UGA is planning to return to mostly in-person instruction for the Fall semester. While some classes are going online, it is up to the instructor to decide what they want to do. The university is constantly communicating with government officials about necessary safety measures and health protocols for the return to campus. Updates change, well, frankly, like the wind, but here are some important parts.
For the fall, UGA has developed technology that allows students to self-monitor COVID-19 symptoms and exposure and to facilitate the sharing of information internally and with the Georgia Department of Public Health. This new technology will allow students to “check-in” if one does test positive so that the University can take all necessary precautions. They also sent all student, faculty, and staff members 2 washable masks as well as a thermometer to prevent the spread of symptoms and allow students the ability to self-monitor symptoms. Everyone is also required to wear masks while on campus, regardless of symptom status, this is to protect any and all Bulldogs on campus. The University Health Center has spent money, time, and resources, in preparation for return to campus, and have the ability to administer tests throughout the year to students, staff, and faculty members.
The dining halls are also requiring reservations as well as offering to-go options. Likewise, they have completely done away with any self serve stations to reduce the amount of contact and potential spread of the virus. People without meal plans will not be allowed in the dining halls to purchase daily meals like they have been allowed to do in the past. Unless you are a meal plan participant, you will have no access to on-campus dining temporarily. Retail dining locations are still available and open to all, but dining halls are closed to students with meal plans.
Residence halls will be open in the fall for students to live in for the year, but they are taking specified precautions within these halls to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Questions regarding dorm life and coronavirus answered. UGA has built and released a website all about COVID where parents and students are able to get their questions answered and find out all recent updates and information: coronavirus.uga.edu.
There is no doubt that the fall semester will look different starting with the new safety measures UGA has put in place. Students will still be able to participate in organizations, clubs, events, and activities –most virtually and others in-person, and probably outdoors, using proper social distancing. Indoor fitness will be limited in capacity, but there will be virtual fitness options offered as well. As for football and tailgating…. well, it isn’t looking very good, but no decisions have been made yet.
Fraternity and sorority life will be quite different, but it will still exist. Recruitment will still happen, with some parts done virtually and others with the option to be in person.
You may want to check out some of our other blogs to help get you through these unprecedented times. Yup, there’s that word again.
- How to Succeed in Online and Virtual Classes
- Should my Student Go Back to School This Fall?
- Want to Get Back the Security Deposit
- Dealing With Uncertainty
- Creating Work and Study Home Space
We hope your student makes the best of their year and still has a successful academic and fun time, socially distant of course.
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