Feels Like A Really Big Decision!
Choosing a major is not only a big decision, but it can also be a difficult one for some students. For assistance in selecting a program of study, the University of Miami has resources to aid in student’s decision making. Because of the size of the UM undergraduate population, students have the opportunity to communicate and meet with their advisors regularly throughout their time at the U. If necessary, each semester students can work with their advisors when choosing their courses to keep on top of prerequisites and to help steer them in the right direction.
My daughter has developed a terrific relationship with her advisor who will quickly answer an email or have a quick chat when she needs help. Her advisor was the first person she called when deciding to drop a class. Oftentimes, advisors can be a lifeline for your students. UM advisors are trained to help guide students that are undecided on a major and career path that fits their learning style and academic strengths through one-on-one interviews, personal interests and perhaps some career testing. Good advisors advise, great advisors like at UM help you find your passion!
Major Options, Major Opportunities
The University of Miami offers students a unique array of learning options through the Cognates Program. A Cognate is a major, a minor, or a group of at least three courses, for at least nine credit hours, that share a theme or focus determined by the faculty.
The Cognates Program fuses the University’s intellectual strengths with your distinctive interests and allows your educational passions to drive your learning. A University of Miami education is broad, deep, exciting, substantive, and uniquely yours. The Cognates Program reflects who you are and what you care about. Students are asked to build an education grounded in three classical areas of knowledge: Arts and Humanities, People and Society, and STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics).
For More Information and a full explanation of Cognates visit the Cognates website.
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