The University of Miami takes safety very seriously.
Technology has changed the landscape of how they impart information to students through texts and emails, and social media platforms. The University of Miami Police Department (UMPD) is a professional campus police department that maintains a safe and secure environment on the Coral Gables campus. The department employs more than 30 police officers, supplemented by security officers, administrative staff, and student aides. UMPD works hard to prevent crimes on campus.
The University offers two safety escort options. U Guardian is a free safety app for smart-phones, with options for virtual safety escorts, pre-registration of information for emergency assistance, and a one-touch button to call UMPD or 911.
UMPD 24/7 Safety Escort Service: UNIVERSITY POLICE 305-284-6666
A U.M. Police employee or security officer will make sure students are free to walk the campus safely anytime and on any day, holidays and during school breaks included. One of these professionals will meet and walk with or transport students safely to your destination. All escort providers carry a police-issued radio and are in constant contact with UMPD.
Anyone may request a safety escort, at no cost. Safety escorts generally only cover campus property, including the University Village area and the Gables One Tower. The average wait time for an employee to respond to a location in under 15 minutes. While the Safety Escort service is not intended to be a regularly scheduled service, in advance, there is no limit to how many safety escorts a student may request. For more information, contact the UMPD Crime Prevention Office at 305-284-1105.
Safe Ride: UM Parking & Transportation 305-298-6128
The Safe Ride program is an on-demand transportation service offered to students. It operates Sundays through Thursdays between the hours of 10:00 p.m. to 3:00 a.m. Students can call 305-298-6128 to get a ride between the Coral Gables campus and residential areas that border the Coral Gables campus.
It is important to note that the service will pick up/drop off on campus as well as the streets that border the Coral Gables. For example, drop-off/pick-up service will be offered along Red Road, San Amaro Drive, Ponce De Leon Blvd, Campo Sano Avenue, and Pisano Avenue, but will not go further than these streets that border the Coral Gables campus or to individual homes. For additional information contact parking.gables@miami.edu or call 305-284-3096.
University of Miami’s Blue Light Phone Program
The UM Coral Gables campus has over 100 blue light phones which dial UMPD directly for emergency communication.
University of Miami’s Blue Light Phone Program helps to keep ‘Canes safe by providing access to UMPD and emergency services from many locations on campus. The Coral Gables campus has over 100 Blue Light Phones. These may be stand-alone pole-mounted, fastened to the outside of buildings, or on multiple locations on each floor of our parking garages. Simply look for the blue light and you’ll find the phone box nearby.
To use the Blue Light Phone, press the button and a UM Police dispatcher will answer. Students are encouraged to use the Blue Light phones for both emergency and non-emergency calls.
As soon as the phone is activated, the location of the phone is displayed on the UMPD’s switchboard, so that UMPD can quickly identify the location. If a caller doesn’t speak (or isn’t able to speak), an officer is immediately dispatched to the location of the phone.
For more information on Blue Light Telephone locations, here is a link to a campus map:
UMPD offers FREE self-defense classes for UM faculty, staff and students.
S.A.F.E. Program
(Self-defense Awareness and Familiarization Exchange) SAFE is a 1.5 to 2-hour (WOMEN ONLY) self-defense class that focuses on awareness, risk reduction information, and a few basic, physical techniques. SAFE-certified instructors teach the program several times throughout the semester.
R.A.D. Program (Rape Aggression Defense)
RAD is a 12-hour (WOMEN ONLY) self-defense class, typically completed over the course of several sessions. RAD focuses on increasing overall awareness, risk reduction behaviors in various settings, and a diverse set of practical physical techniques.
Bicycle Lock & Registration Program
U-bicycle Locks and Registrations are provided to all bicycle owners by UMPD. To register a bicycle and receive a free bicycle lock, students need to bring their bicycle and their ‘Cane Card to the UM Police, located on the ground floor of the Flipse Building. If their bicycle is ever lost, stolen or confiscated for non-compliance with the University bicycle guidelines, registration will aid UM Police in locating and returning the bicycle. Anyone affiliated with the University in any way may purchase a discounted lock for $20.00, payable by cash or check. To learn more about how to register a bicycle, click here.
SMS Text Messages to Cell Phones
Voice Messages to Cell PhonesEmail
Emergency Information Hotline 1-800-227-0354
UM Website Banners: www.miami.edu
UMiami Mobile App: www.miami.edu/mobile
Facebook: www.facebook.com/UMiamiENN
Twitter: @UMiamiENN
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