
Honor Roll Pride – The Highest Distinction!

haveuheard honor roll umd

Did you get a letter?

It is that time of year when students receive notifications that they have made a collegiate honor scholar society. The cream-colored linen envelope arrives with its gold embossed logo of said scholar society organization. As a parent, you do a mental cartwheel as you see the invitation. When the initial excitement wears off, read the fine print carefully.

At the University of Maryland, making the Dean’s List is something to be proud of. This form of academic honors is awarded based on the students’ given semester’s GPA. In order to earn this honor, students must complete 12 or more credits with a semester GPA of 3.5 or higher. Hard work and dedication need to be put in in order to receive this award, but it is worth it!

There are 46 different honor societies at UMD that students can be invited to join. Students who excel in scholarship and leadership have the opportunity to join these prestigious societies at UMD. Some of the societies are major-specific while others are based on academics or leadership. Joining these types of societies allows students to build a structure for future success. Honor societies also allow students to network and build close-knit relationships with alumni.

One highly respected honor society that is based solely on academic excellence is Phi Beta Kappa. Phi Beta Kappa is the oldest and most widely respected academic honorary society in the United States. Students are invited to be members based on outstanding scholastic achievement in the studies of liberal arts and sciences. Elections for the society are held twice a year; both in the fall and spring semesters. Requirements for consideration of membership in Phi Beta Kappa at UMD include grade point average, residence, liberal courses, required courses, and distribution. The minimum grade point average needed by juniors is 3.85 and for seniors, it is 3.75.

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