Should I, or Shouldn’t I Make the Call?
Waiting to find out if you were accepted into the college of your choice is nothing short of nerve-wracking, especially in the case of schools like UNF, who have rolling admissions. Rolling admissions means that applications are not responded to on one set date but on an individual basis as they are received. Those who apply earlier will probably be hearing back earlier as well. Not knowing when you’ll hear back from your university can leave lots of students and parents anxious stressed.
While it’s important to allow UNF time to view the application, you shouldn’t be afraid to call and ask about your application if their response is unusually delayed or if your application has any special circumstances. When I was applying to UNF as a transfer student, my application had lots of special circumstances, one being that I couldn’t send my first-semester college grades until after that semester ended. However, I needed a response before this so that I could register for spring classes at UNF.
At first, I was afraid calling would make me an annoyance, and actually, hinder my acceptance instead of helping it, but in actuality colleges often appreciate a student who is proactive and clearly concerned about their admission status. I called to make sure that the office was aware of my extenuating circumstances and to ensure that I was doing everything in my power to aide the process. This resulted in not only a smooth transition but my mom and I were informed and kept up-to-date on the process and having peace of mind.
Another reason to reach out to Admissions is if you receive a deferred/waitlisted or denial letter. If UNF is really the school you’re set on, reaching out and asking why your response was what it was or if there’s anything that can be done can often clear up any confusion and also shows the school your dedication and desire to attend. It’s very common for students to attend Florida State College at Jacksonville for a semester or two before re-applying to UNF, so knowing what you need to improve upon and the reasons for your denial can help keep you on track to get accepted when you re-apply.
There are three types of Admission Decision Letters that you could get. You may receive a Deferred Admission Letter which means that they haven’t quite decided on you yet and are waiting for more information. A Denied Admission Letter may sting but remember that you are meant to be where you end up. The last letter that everyone wants to receive is the Accepted Admission Letter. This will also include the next steps for you to follow to start your journey at UNF. Now, if you are either deferred or denied, the thought may be to call the admissions office for an explanation. Of course, the student should be the one to call.
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Sarah Toth, UNF Intern
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