When You Need Electives and Some Fun!
As incoming freshmen, students are guided by their advisors to take their core academic classes. Advisors will mix in some of the more popular well-known electives here and there. But to really know which are some of the more fun electives, the best thing to do is to ask students. So with that being said, below is a list of some of the fun electives that UNF offers. We did not include all the drawing, painting, and basic art classes as the list would simply get too long and repetitive. For those with an interest in art, those classes would, of course, be good choices, but we decided to focus on more unique and probably lesser known classes.
Our interns offer the following information
- The History and Appreciation of Rock (MUH2017) – Studies the origins and development of rock and roll music, from rhythm and blues, country and western, to current trends in pop and rock. A few of my friends and my brother have taken this class, and all of them really enjoyed it.
- Ceramics (ART3786C) – One thing UNF offers that is pretty unique in that we have our very own ceramics building, complete with large kilns. The ceramics class at UNF covers hand building ceramic pieces, wheel throwing (pottery on a spinning wheel), glazing, and the firing process itself. This is a super hands-on and fun art class.
- Introduction to Printmaking (ART2400C) – Intro to traditional printmaking techniques. This is also a more unique course than your typical drawing class, where they teach relief (a printing block has ink applied aside for its carved out areas, and is pressed to paper), intaglio (the opposite of relief, a design is engraved onto a material and the ink is in the engraved portions), and planographic (printing from a flat surface) printing techniques.
- Introduction to Photography (PGY2401C) – (prereq: at least 30 undergrad hours) Introduces students to the technical aspects of traditional black & white photography including camera operation, film exposure and processing, darkroom printing, and professional presentation of photographic works. This is a really cool class as not many people would ever have the opportunity to learn about and work with traditional film and developing in a dark room.
- Digital Photography for Non-Photography Majors (PGY2807C) – (prereq: at least 30 undergrad hours) For those with a more modern photography interest, this course provides students with an understanding of the fundamentals of digital photography. Emphasis is on digital camera controls, computer editing tools, and essential strategies for taking photographs.
- African American Art History (ARH3631) – This course can interest those who love either art or history and allows a look into African American culture and history within the United States spanning colonial times to the present.
- Creating Mobile Apps (CEN1361) – This course is designed for students of any major who want to develop or learn to develop a mobile app. Not only is this interesting in our modern world, but who knows when that groundbreaking app idea will hit and how valuable this information would then become. Students will learn to create and understand technology, about privacy, security, and the social implications of computing, to develop apps that scan, talk, play music, play video, make phone calls, and games (the kind that depends on tilting the phone).
- Programming I (COP2220) – This course provides an introduction to problem-solving techniques and the computer programming process. For those with an interest in technology or code, this class could be very informative and intriguing. Topics in the course include data types, flow control, functions, program structure, software design techniques, memory allocation, and more.
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