How To Handle The Fact You Are Not There
I am a neurotic mother, yes, I admit it! When my older sons left for school, I realized that I no longer had them in my “clutches.” It was a totally eye-opening experience for me. I had to understand that no matter how much I stressed and worried, their safety was not in my hands. So, when my daughter left for UNF last June it was both a bit easier because I had experience with my boys and also a bit harder because she is a girl. The school has a variety of safety programs that keep us both informed.
Safety App
UNF has a safety app, Safe Ospreys, that can be downloaded on any smartphone. The app allows students to complete their emergency contacts, automatically call 911 or UPD and has an emergency plan screen that allows the student to be prepared in case of an emergency. UNF safety app also has two features that are very valuable to students who are on campus – Mobile Blue Light immediately sends their location on campus and calls the dispatchers in the UPD. Blue Light emergency poles can be seen around campus and are available to students at any time day or night. The other feature on the app is Friend Walk – this allows individuals to send their location in real-time to a friend or parent, so they can monitor as they walk to their destination and trigger a call to emergency services if needed.
Students can follow the UNF Alert on Twitter. Parents can follow as well but it may be overwhelming to get an alert for every activity when you are hundreds, if not thousands of miles away. I follow the alerts on Twitter during Hurricane warnings/watches and other serious events and then unfollow. You can go ahead and bookmark in advance.
University of North Florida Web pages
UNF Emergency Hotline
(904) 620-2602
Follow UNF Alert on Twitter
An Uncomfortable Topic
Should your child be involved in a sexual crime they should contact the UNF police immediately. (904) 620-2602.
All universities are open campuses many with beautiful, sprawling foliage, brick buildings, open spaces. UNF is an absolutely amazing campus like many college campuses. Being a college town, it does attract some undesirable persons. Your students should always be aware of their surroundings. We live in scary times as witnessed by the school shooting in Parkland, Florida. Sadly, students, today prepare for what is called a Code Red or active shooter. Every college has a plan. To read UNF’s plan, click here.
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