Consideration for Providing Accessibility for Everyone
For students with a disability, UNF takes great care in providing resources for their students, whether it be ADHD, Autism or any other disability. The primary mission of the Disability Resource Center (DRC) is to ensure that all students with disabilities have equal access to educational opportunities at the University of North Florida. Accessibility for all!
Students with disabilities must apply to UNF through the regular admissions procedure. There are no special admissions procedures. Applications are accepted via the UNF Admissions page. Once a student with a disability is accepted, UNF will request documentation regarding the disability. Based on the disability, different documentation will be needed. For a list of documentation requirements and registration click here.
Options to submit documentation are as follows:
Upload via Clockwork during online intake application through mywings account.
Drop it off at the DRC in person, Building 57 room 1500, Attn: India Hamilton. (Mon-Thurs 8am-8pm, Friday 8am-5pm)
Fax to the DRC office – (904)620-3874
Scan and email documents to the DRC – india.hamilton@unf.edu
Mail to the DRC:
University of North Florida
1 UNF Drive, Building 57, Room 1500
Jacksonville, Florida 32224-7699
After the paperwork is received, the student will receive an email in their UNF myWings account from the DRC inviting them to make an appointment to complete the registration process or to provide additional documentation. The registration meeting will be in person, with a DRC staff member to discuss appropriate accommodations based on the documentation and specific needs.
UNF offers a wide variety of services for students with disabilities including but not limited to:
- Qualified interpreters
- Assistive listening devices
- Digital recorders
- Alternate texts/e-books
- Note Takers
- Readers
- Scribes
- Extended test times
- Use of calculators
Accommodations can also be provided to students with temporary physical impairments. Students will be required to provide medical documentation of the temporary impairments (letter from physician or medical documents showing the nature and extent of the injury); the student will meet with a DRC staff member to discuss what academic accommodations the student would need. For students with hand or arm injuries, the DRC can contact the student’s professors to discuss obtaining a note taker and to arrange any testing accommodations the student may need. If the student needs to rent a wheelchair UNF works with Preston Pharmacy which offers a reduced cost to UNF students. They can be reached at (904) 725-1616.
In addition, the Osprey Transit is a dedicated shuttle to assist students, faculty, and staff with mobility needs that extend beyond the assigned standard shuttle stops on campus. While all the Osprey Connector shuttles are fully accessible, the student has the additional option of requesting a pickup and drop off location on campus. This exclusive shuttle is equipped with 4 wheelchair seats and 8 – 10 seats for other mobility needs. Hours of operation include 7:30 a.m. – 9:30 p.m. on Monday – Thursday; 7:30 a.m. – 5 p.m. on Friday.
UNF’s Accessibility Guide can be found here.
Encourage your students to take an active part in their accessibility plan. Plan early, meet with professors ahead of time. This way confidence can be had in knowing that the instructors are aware of their needs. Tour the campus and plan routes for assurance. There will always be someone around to help, so don’t hesitate to ask.
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