Here is What You Get For Free!
HaveUHeard that Microsoft Office 365 is free for all enrolled UNF students? And it’s free for up to five devices. That is a huge cost saving for a college student. For information about downloading this great technology. Office 365 is a cloud-based suite of tools from Microsoft. With it, you also have Microsoft OneDrive which provides cloud storage and sharing files. It can also be accessed from your mobile device. Here is other information for Class Prep technology.
While the computer of choice for many students is trending toward Macbooks, before you head out to get a computer for your student, some of the colleges have specific requirements that differ from general recommendations. For the individual college and degree program hardware and software requirements. However, if you do decide to purchase a MacBook, make sure that you have your student ID with you for a discount. You may find that a Dell, Microsoft Surface Pro or HP may better serve your student’s needs. Microsoft Surface has a great price, any hp is great. If you want to make a little more of an investment, the Apple Macbook Air and Apple Macbook Pro are highly recommended. A lot of students also bring tablets/ Ipads to class and are great for note-taking.
Individual college and degree programs may have requirements that you may find better with a Dell, IBM, or HP computer. Most are listed on various sites. You can connect to the UNF ITS Service Catalog. The ITS Service Catalog defines and categorizes all information technology services provided to UNF students, faculty, and staff.
On the UNF campus, the main place to print your student’s work is at the Thomas G Carpenter Library. The library has many resources, areas to study, and printing available. The cost of printing in color is .25¢ and .09¢ for black and white. Students can use their Osprey Card for the cost of the printing. Of course, if your student has their own printer connected to their laptop, that can be used as well. Your Osprey Card is your official identification as a student. This multi-function card is used for many different things on campus. Incoming freshmen will get a chance to get their Osprey Card during orientation. For information about the card or what to do if it is lost or stolen. For all their technology goods, they can show their Osprey pride by decorating their laptops, cell phones, gaming devices, and even their amazon echo with customized UNF stickers.
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