Birthright Israel – Hillel
What exactly is Birthright? Birthright began in 1999 with a bold idea—offering a free, life-changing trip to Israel to young Jewish adults between the ages of 18 and 26 and, in doing so, transforming the Jewish future.
Their mission is to give every Jewish young adult around the world, especially the less connected, the opportunity to visit Israel on an educational trip. Today, Birthright is the largest educational tourism organization in the world and it aims to strengthen Jewish identity, communities, and connection with Israel. Each 10 trip is 100% funded by 30,000+ donors each year.
Tour highlights:
Some of the tour highlights: camel rides, rafting down the Jordan River, visit the Western Wall, float in the Dead Sea, waterfalls of the Golan Heights, taste Mediterranean food, and connect with Israelis your own age. Going to Israel allows one to really connect with the country and its Jewish roots. The first time I had the opportunity to go to Israel, I felt such an appreciation and connection to the home country of the Jewish people. Whether you are Orthodox or just identify as Jewish, going to Israel is truly an amazing experience. Birthright is a once in a lifetime experience that allows you to learn, grow, and make friends across the world!
There are also extension trips that students can look into. They have a variety of types from cooking to volunteering, but many students also choose to extend and travel a bit on their own before returning to the U.S. It surely saves on the cost of airfare.
For more information on trip dates and how to apply, at USF Hillel.
USF Hillel’s mission is to enrich the lives of Jewish undergraduate and graduate students at the University of South Florida so that they may enrich the Jewish people and the world, and to inspire every Jewish student to make an enduring commitment to Jewish Life, Learning, and Israel.
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