College is an Adjustment for Everyone
Moving to college is a huge adjustment for every student. Many students don’t know where to start when they are on their own and free to make their own decisions when it comes to eating habits, health, and wellness care. Luckily, USF has many programs that can help students with that transition as well as other aspects of health and wellness. Through USF Health and Wellness, students are not only connected to various resources around campus but also receive numerous resources directly in their office. USF Health and Wellness specifically focuses on physical, social, emotional, intellectual, and environmental well-being. The university has identified these care topics as the most important in the success of college students.
Some of the care programs offered include psychological services, wellness coaching, time-management courses, outdoor recreation, nutrition coaching, and personal training. To find out more about all of the programs Wellness USF offers, you can visit their office in the Marshall Student Center on the first floor or visit their website. If your student is new to USF, they are encouraged to connect with other students through USF’s New Student Connections program. New Student Connections puts on programs to connect new students with other new students as well as get them acclimated to the university.
USF takes campus safety and security very seriously. From underage drinking and the use of drugs to sexual misconduct and hazing, there are written policies as well as a Center for Victim Advocacy. The center provides free and confidential services to USF students who have experienced crime, violence or abuse on or off-campus. You can also find a guide to campus resources here. The bottom line, USF is a large institution and campus programs offer a safety net should students and/or any other caring person choose to get involved.
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