…When You Need Answers
Over the years there have been only a few times that I, as a parent, have felt the need to call the campus to resolve an issue. Generally, I try to get my kids to handle it themselves. However, knowing where to call for whatever the issue can be daunting. Making the call to find out the correct details or accurate information can make all the difference.
For instance, when said student accrued a certain amount of parking tickets and was having a difficult time paying them online, she called the Transportation and Parking Office to figure it out. More information and other reasons you may have to contact this office are below.
The Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life. 850-644-9574. The director can be emailed at ccgraham@fsu.edu
Fortunately, that situation was managed, but her next step was to call the President’s office.
Dr. Steven Currall is the President of the University of South Florida. Her office is located at 4202 E. Fowler Avenue, CGS 401, Tampa, Florida 33620
Phone: 813-974-2791 Email: president@usf.edu
We realize finding the right place to call isn’t always simple so we have listed several of the offices and what they are used for to make your navigation simpler. Many of our blogs address issues that you may be looking for guidance about too so we have linked some of those too.
University Police Department
If a student sees and wants to report suspicious persons, incidents, and unsafe conditions, they can report it to at 813-974-2628. The fax number is 813-974-5616. If an emergency occurs, dial 911.
Dean of Students
Danielle McDonald
USF Counseling Center
The University Counseling Center has over 20 full-time psychologists, social workers, and mental health counselors. For a life-threatening emergency, call the University Police at 9-1-1- or 813-974-2628.
The Director is Scott Strader, Ph.D., Director, Phone: 813-974-2831. scottstrader@usf.edu
In case of a mental health emergency that is not life-threatening after regular business hours and/or on weekends, the after-hours hotline at 813-974-2831
To see a counselor, students can visit the Counseling Center Main Office, Student Services Building (SVC), Suite 2124, Monday: 8:00 am – 6:00 pm, Tuesday, Wednesday, & Thursday: 8:00 am – 7:00 pm, Friday: 8:00 am – 5:00 pm
The Counseling Center offers evening appointments at the following locations:
Student Health Services (SHS) – Monday – Thursday: 5:00 pm – 8:00 pm
The FIT, Village Residential Complex – Monday – Thursday: 4:00 pm – 7:00 pm
The WELL, USF Health Campus – Tuesday – Thursday: 4:00 pm – 7:00 pm
Here is our blog on the Stress of College.
Victim Advocate Program
If students or someone they care about that has been a victim of a crime confidential support is available and they can talk with someone about their options.
MaKenzie Schiemann is in charge of Student Outreach & Support and the Center for Victim Advocacy. 813-974-6130. Her email is mschiemann@usf.edu
Victim Advocate services are available 24 hours a day, including holidays. To reach a confidential advocate day or night call: 816-974-5757.
Office of Emergency Management
Email: USF-EmergencyMgmt@usf.edu
Phone: (813) 974-0870
Office Hours: Monday-Friday, 8:00 am-5:00 pm
For emergencies, call 911 or contact University Police at 813-974-2628.
Director / USF System Emergency Manager, Jen Fleischman, jfleischman@usf.edu (813) 974-0870
Emergency Coordinator: Colette Nasworthy, cnaswort@usf.edu, (813) 974-9662
Emergency Coordinator: Lance Rocks, rocks@usf.edu, (813) 974-1484
University Health Services
The Senior Director of Student Health Services is Harold Bower. He can be reached at 813-974-1817 or through email at hbower@health.usf.edu
General Info / Appointment Line: 813-974-2331
TDD: 813-974-1758
Fax: 813-974-7181
Student Medical Insurance: 813-974-5407
Immunization Compliance: 813-974-4056
Immunization: immunization@shs.usf.edu
Insurance: insurance@shs.usf.edu
See our blog on Sick at School.
Financial Aid Office
Students can go here to request information about financial aid, scholarships, withdrawal, outreach events, CARE programs, work-study, and general questions.
Phone: 850-644-0539 Address: Suite 4400A University Center, Tallahassee, FL 32306-2430
University Housing
Anna Hernandez is the Assistant Vice President of Housing & Residential Education. She can be reached at 813-974-4262 or through email at ahernandez@usf.edu
Students who are having a computer, internet, or cable issues should contact the USF IT help desk at help@usf.edu or 813-974-1222 for 24/7 support. For all cable television or Philo Edu issues, please DO NOT submit a maintenance request. All residents can receive 24-hour support by utilizing one of the following three contact methods:
24-hour Toll-Free Television Support: 844-283-6496 (Cable TV only)
Text: Text “resnet” to 84700 (Cable TV only)
Email: support@myresnet.com (Cable TV only)
Philo Edu 24-hour Support
Here is our Insider’s Guide to Living On Campus.
Office of Student Rights and Responsibilities
Office Phone: 813-974-9443
Office Fax: 813-974-7383
Students with Disabilities Services
Located at 4202 E. Fowler Avenue, SVC 1133, Tampa, FL 33620. The main number is 813-974-4309. Deborah McCarthy 813-974-8135. Email dmccarthy@usf.edu
Other important contacts include:
Cassandra Armato, carmato@usf.edu, Associate Director, Coordinator: Psychological Disabilities, Chronic Medical Disabilities, TBI
Peggy Kledzik, pkledzik@usf.edu, Coordinator: Deaf and Hard of Hearing, ADHD / Learning Disabilities
Dani Thiel, det1@usf.edu, Coordinator: Visual Disabilities, Autism Spectrum Disorder, ADHD / Learning Disabilities
Brit Fowler, bfowler2@usf.edu, Coordinator: Mobility Disabilities, Psychological Disabilities, ADHD / Learning Disabilities
Amanda Roe, aroe1@usf.edu, Exam Coordinator, Coordinator: Temporary Injuries
Chris Georgallis, chg@usf.edu, Coordinator: ADHD / Learning Disabilities
Read more about Student Accessibility Services
Parking & Transportation Services
The Director of Parking & Transportation Services (PATS) is Raymond Mensah. Email address is rmensah@usf.edu phone 813-974-0672.
If your vehicle gets immobilized (they put a boot on your car) or they are having bus problems, then the student will want to contact the Transportation office at 813-974-3990. Located on USF Plum and USF W. Holly Drive, near the USF Water Tower and behind Central Receiving. The Fax number is 813-974-2426. Email psweb@usf.edu
Citations, when the student receives a citation and does not wish to contest or appeal it, you may pay online by credit card over the Internet. You may pay in person by credit card or debit card at our parking office at the intersection of USF Holly Drive and USF Plum Drive. Go here to appeal citations.
If it is denied at the first stage, students can request a final appeal either in person to the appropriate committee (oral argument not to exceed five minutes), or in writing on the appropriate form or web-link. Final appeal requests must be made within fourteen calendar days from the date of the appeals mediator’s letter of decision. Once a hearing is scheduled and you are unable to attend, you may reschedule for the next available hearing date. You are allowed one reschedule only. If a student is dissatisfied with the decision of the Appeals Mediator, they may make a final appeal to the USF Student Government Supreme Court within 14 calendar days of the first appeal decision.
Office of Human Resources
They are the first point of contact for questions regarding employment, benefits, compensation, payroll, employee/labor relations, and classification. The Director of HR Administration Compliance & Services is Sheri Neshiem. Email address sneshiem@usf.edu Phone: 813-974-8358. Located at Human Resources is located on the 2nd floor of the Student Services Building (SVC), Room Number 2172. Office Hours are Monday through Friday 8:00 am to 5:00 pm
Because dealing with stress can sometimes require a little extra help:
USF Dining Services
This is who you would want to contact for meal plan issues. The business office is located at 4202 E. Fowler Avenue AXA 0094 and their phone number is 813-974-5021. Christina Visser is the Meal Plan Office Manager and can be reached at 813-974-2941. Her email address is visser-cristina@aramark.com
Safety Escort:
S.A.F.E. Team is a group of screened students that can escort anyone from one point to another. They use golf carts and also walk with students to ensure their safety to their destination. Their hours are 6:30 pm – 2:30 am seven days a week. Their phone number is 813-974-SAFE (7233). It is run by the Student Government. Gary Manka is the Director of Student Government Advising, Training & Operations and may be reached at 813-974-4704. Email address gmanka@usf.edu
For students 21 and up, needing a taxi ride from an alcohol-serving establishment to a residence in Hillsborough County. The service is only offered to students who attend the University of South Florida. The taxi cabs typically only allow room for 4 people. Service is paid for by Pepin Distributing Company and the cab service used is United Cab.
Information Needed: Name, Date of Birth, Driver’s License Number, Location of Alcohol Serving Establishment, and Location of Residence.
Center for Student Involvement and Fraternity and Sorority Life. 813-974-2599. The director is Monica Miranda who may be emailed at mlmiranda@usf.edu
USF Technical Support
For students who are having technical difficulties with Canvas and its surrounding technologies, this is the place to get in touch with. Call 813-974-1222 or email help@usf.edu. Students can access their live chat and self-service portal usf.edu/-support. Walk-Up Location & Hours are on the first floor of the Tampa Campus Library. Walk up tech services are available at our walk-up desk on the first floor of the Tampa campus library. Service desk technicians can provide assistance with password resets, MyUSF, Canvas, email, wireless for laptops and mobile devices, and basic troubleshooting.
If a student is in no rush and wants to meet face to face then they can schedule an appointment and they are available on a first-come, first-served basis. Located at 4202 E Fowler Ave, Tampa, FL 33620. The VP, Information Technology is Sidney Fernandes, sfernand@health.usf.edu. 813-974-7927.
Here is our blog on Technology Services at USF and one on Computer and Phone Repair.
If needed, here are the Department Heads for all the colleges:
James Moy
Arts & Sciences
Eric Eisenberg
(813) 892-6484
Behavioral and Community Sciences
Julianne Serovich, PhD
Moez Limayem
Room: BSN 201
Phone: (813) 974-4281
Fax: (813) 974-3030
Robert C. Knoeppel, PhD
Dean: Robert H. Bishop, Ph.D., P.E.
Global Sustainability
Dean: Govindan Parayil
Honors College
Dr. Charles Adams
Marine Science
Dean: Jacqueline Dixon
Vice Dean: Bryan Bognar, MD, MPH
Dean: Victoria L. Rich, Ph.D., RN, FAAN
Dean: Kevin Sneed, PharmD
Public Health
Dean: Donna J. Petersen, ScD, MHS, CPH
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