Can You Get by Without a Car?
Navigating your way through college can already be tough, and you may think it’s tougher if you don’t have a car! Not to worry, your life at USF will not skip a beat if you don’t have a car of your own. USF has set up several resources for students to get around easily without a car. The Bull Runner is a USF owned bus service that not only services students on campus but also services a small radius around campus including off-campus student housing and popular businesses surrounding the campus. This allows students who don’t have cars to work at businesses close to their home and classes.
USF students also have the option of taking the city bus at a reduced price when they show their student ID. Uber is also a popular service used by students on campus. Uber drivers are plentiful due to the fact that USF is in a Metropolitan community. You can read our blog on USF’s bus system. If you DO have a car on campus, prices for parking passes can get pretty steep. The price for a student parking pass that covers a complete school year (August to August) is about $200. There is also an option for a semester pass that is $90. It can also be hard to find parking during the week when classes are in session, so we suggest getting to class at least an hour before to allow time to find parking! Read more about parking and a link for purchasing a permit.
And, if we have not given you enough information about parking and the bus system, we’ve got the info on getting to and from campus here whether that is by plane, train, car, bus, and even a carpool Facebook page. These were just a few suggestions based on our experience and hope it will bring a productive conversation for you and your Bull. Whatever you decide, we definitely recommend trying out USF’s bus options.
Jordan Philyor, USF Intern, HaveUHeard
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