They’ve Been Accepted
Congratulations on Becoming a Bull!
Congratulations to the Class of 2024! Accepted! I mean, they made it, but it sure feels like we, as parents did a lot of work to get our kids to college. Becoming a USF Bull is very exciting, and now that decisions are over, there is still important work to be done.
First, it may sound silly, but check your admissions letter for accuracy regarding their name, entrance term, residency status, address and major. If any changes need to be made, it needs to be done as soon as possible. Activate your NETID and obtain your USF email address. Then, you can log in to OASIS and verify/change any contact information. You will also need to complete any forms that USF requires of you and pay the $200 non-refundable deposit. Deadlines for deposits are December 1 for students starting in the Spring, and May 1 for those starting in the Summer and Fall.
When applying for Housing, I suggest putting down your deposit as soon as you get your acceptance if you want a particular dorm. Housing fills up fast and it is not guaranteed for all freshmen. Check out the Meal Plan options and sign up for one. Note: all freshmen are required to have a meal plan.
Register for Orientation as soon as possible. USF does offer many dates, but they are also designated for specific groups. Admitted students must attend Orientation in order to register for classes, and the earlier the Orientation, the better chance that classes won’t fill up.
Also, be sure to confirm the following:
- Your residency status for tuition purposes
- That your student has signed up for Bright Futures
- Arranged for any final transcripts and scores (AP, IB, AICE, CLEP, and transfer credits) to be sent to the Office of Admissions.
- Your Florida Prepaid program if you have one (You will need to be familiar with what you paid for with the Florida Prepaid as it may only cover certain fees or dorms – although it does not preclude your student from living in certain dorms; they may just have to pay any overage fees.)
- Get your FAFSA form started. You can check out our blog on the FAFSA form here.
Also, check for any holds on your student’s account. It could be the simplest thing, but you don’t want to try to register for classes only to find out that something is missing or was not complete. That’s all part of being accepted to USF.
Check out our blogs on Housing, Meal Plans, and Orientation for many more helpful details.
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