Getting That Last Parking Spot!
When getting ready to go to UMD in the fall, an important topic to bring up is whether or not they will bring their car to school. It is important to think it through and consider where they will keep it if they do decide to have their car on campus. Yes, it will make runs to the grocery store and mall easier, but parking can sometimes be a huge hassle on and around campus. The University of Maryland has several parking instructions and regulations that students should make sure to look at, considering how common it is to get a ticket when driving at UMD.
The first thing to consider when thinking about bringing a car too school is whether you are even eligible to do so. All students with 30 credits or more and commuter students are eligible for registering for on-campus parking. For many freshmen, this means that they will not be able to bring their car to school yet. UMD transportation services do allow students to apply for a freshman exception. Freshman students looking to park on campus must apply for an exception stating your reasoning on why you should be allowed to park on campus. This exception will be reviewed by the Department of Transportation Services (DOTS) personnel and if they find that you qualify for the exception, they will assign you with a parking spot in a lot based on your resident hall location and lot availability.
For students that are eligible and looking to purchase a student parking permit, they can do so using their student login information through the DOTS parking portal website. Students have the option to purchase semester permits or annual permits. Each permit varies in price; The semester permits ranging from $325- $390 and the annual permit at $650. In addition to these permits, students have the option to purchase a bundle pack. Bundle packs are targeted at commuter students who may need to drive to campus occasionally. The buddle pack contains 10 one-day permits for Lots 4 or 6 and $75. These permits can be purchased at the DOTS office in Regents Drive Garage.
Register Please
UMD students may register for parking based on class standing, lot availability, and location of their residence hall. Assignments are determined by the availability of spaces in the lot. Based on where you live, determines the available lots you can register for. For those students that are commuters, the lot that they can register for is determined by credit hours earned. For students that do not live on campus, they have the option of purchasing an overnight storage permit. This is for students who reside in apartments and housing complexes immediately adjacent to campus who wish to park overnight or store their vehicles on campus 24/7. The lot that these students will be assigned to is Lot 5, 11, 17, or 19. If the lot that your student wishes to register for is full, they have the ability to join a waitlist for their preferred lot. Students can register for a waitlist through the parking management system. DOTS monitor lot capacity and availability and will contact students via email when parking is available in their desired lot. Joining the waitlist is free and open to any student regardless of parking status.
Visitors have many options when parking at UMD. There are street locations, surface lots, and in four of the five-campus garages. Visitor parking is enforced seven days a week from 7:00 a.m. to midnight unless otherwise noted on the meter. During these hours guests must pay $3 per hour, with no daily rate. You can pay for these spaces by pay stations, credit card meters, and the Parkmobile app. If you only need to park for 15 minutes or less at a pay station you may park for free. You must still visit the pay station to enter your space number, but you will not be charged.
Remind your students to be diligent about proper parking because parking tickets are extremely common at UMD. Got a ticket? Students can appeal or pay for tickets on the UMD Parking Services website. Unpaid parking fines will hold up class registration, the release of grades, possibly even a graduation. Paying those fines in a timely manner is no joke. When receiving a parking citation, you have the option to pay the citation or appeal the citation. Either must be done within 15 calendar days from the citation issue date. A $30 late fee will be applied to citations that are neither appealed nor paid within the 15 days. When paying the citation, students can choose to pay online, by mail, or in-person to DOTS.
Fellow Parents, when you visit there are options and rules regarding parking for us too. Visitors may find parking at the in street locations, surface lots, and four of the five-campus garages. The visitor parking map shows where you can find parking. There are designated visitor spots for guests with disabilities. Parking is enforced 7 days a week except for university-observed holidays. Rates are $3 per hour. Make sure you download the Parkmobile app. Event parking differs a bit too. UMD football game day parking has its own rules as does UMD basketball game day parking. If we have thoroughly confused you, we apologize, but we did start by saying parking tends to be a problem. Our advice; get a bicycle.
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