Oh No…It Happened!
It’s Lost.
Have you ever lost anything really important before? My three daughters lost more Student ID’s, keys, driver’s licenses than any person I know (or at least I thought). Conduct a search on the student FAU page, and you will see daily posts for lost keys, wallets, cell phones, ID’s and so forth. And, while clearly my daughters are not the only ones who lost valuables, or had them stolen, it does happen.
One of my girlfriends bought their daughter The Tile, an investment I quickly made for my youngest daughter.
The Tile is a small lost and found device that you attach to the things you don’t want to lose, be it a computer, bike, keys, luggage, wallets- even pets (attach to their collar). The Tile is also a useful tool for students studying abroad. If your student becomes the subject of a pickpocket, the tile may help assist the local authorities in retrieving their stolen items.
Lost Phones
For lost phones, they have a Find My Phone or Device Manager to access, provided their phone is not turned off. Whether you have a student studying abroad or on campus, perhaps a gift of a tracking device will alleviate the frustration, anger, and tears should they lose something valuable. Of course, FAU does have a lost and found both at the FAU police department as well as the various location around campus (Rec Center, Student Union, etc). You may find more information here.
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