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Sorority, It’s More Than Parties.
She joined a sorority. Congratulations! Your daughter has found her home away from home for the next four years. Being in a sorority opens the door to so many wonderful experiences. I found my lifelong best friends when I became a member of a sorority at FAU. They have been by my side for many of life’s ups and downs as I have been by theirs. To this day, we have remained close friends.
Every sorority is a little different as it relates to social gatherings, academic requirements, and philanthropic requirements. Since FAU does not have Greek housing at this time, the sororities often plan several events throughout each month to ensure sisters can get together. Your daughter is expected to attend weekly chapter meetings and participate in sorority events. The sororities are often paired up with fraternities for social or philanthropy events or hold chapter-wide events with just their sisters; some of these might be mandatory.
Over the years, I have purchased sorority gifts for them, mainly at orientation. Between Big/Little, Orientation and Bid Day, they have accumulated jewelry, water bottles, stationery, wall signs and so much more. And while I know eventually (after they graduate college and move into an apartment to start adulting, their decorating tastes switch), seeing them enjoying this bond with so many young women and the impact the sorority makes during their college years is well worth having all of the sorority items they collect.
Should you decide to get them a congratulatory gift, we have some suggestions here from:
Desert Cactus Greek, Brit and Bee, Alexandra and Company, Go Greek Chic, Greek Gear, Greek Creations,Cotton Sisters, Signature Tumblers, All That Jas, Bauble Bar, and Gild the Lily. Even Bed, Bath & Beyond carries Greek merchandise including tumblers, pillows, poufs and more!
Being in a sorority is not just about the social aspect, although that is a big part of joining. Many of the sororities require their members to participate in the philanthropy aspect teaching them about helping those less fortunate. They are expected to keep up their grades, as each sorority loves to be able to brag about having the highest GPA amongst all sororities. They can be found holding positions on Homecoming, Student Government, Order of Omega, and OwlThon to mention a few. Members also have the opportunity to take on positions within their own chapters, often giving them experience in their area of interest. This opens the door for new members to have the opportunity to get involved on campus.
Most of the sororities hold family events each year. Often they do something special for families during FAU family weekend, this year it will be September 20th through 22nd, 2019. Typically the chapters at FAU have another family weekend again during the spring semester.
Most colleges are extremely strict today when it comes to drinking and hazing. I am not going to cherry coat this; it does happen. FAU is no different. Sororities have been put on probation for alcohol consumption and not been allowed to have any socials. Your daughter should never feel pressured to do something that makes her feel uncomfortable.
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