Here Are The Facts.
It’s understandable that they want to be an owl; FAU is ranked as one of the top schools in the state of Florida. FAU is a great university that has over 170-degree programs, builds traditions, and their graduates make waves across the country. The question is, how does your son or daughter become an owl?
When my daughter applied to FAU in 2011, I remember the university being selective with the incoming freshman class. Hearing from the advisors at the college fair held at her school made the process seemed daunting with all of the requirements for admission. Today, they are extremely selective looking not only at grades and test scores but student involvement, leadership roles, and an essay that stands out.
This past year, 50% of freshmen who applied for the fall semester were admitted into FAU. FAU is looking for prospective students who have GPAs that range from a 3.62-4.31. To be an Owl, your student needs an SAT score of at least 1110 and an ACT score between 23-29. While these are the general requirements, there are some specifics required for certain degree programs. Grades and test scores are (obviously) important, but so are showing that they are not only about the scores. Show FAU that there is more to them by being involved in clubs, teams, and organizations that show they have a passion for something other than schoolwork. Don’t just join; also hold a leadership position in one of those clubs or teams. FAU gives students a copious amount of opportunities to take on leadership roles; therefore, showcasing that your student either held or attempted to take on a leadership role would be beneficial. Show some rigor in their class schedule. While A’s are really nice; it can be better to get a lower grade in a class that shows they are challenging yourself. So don’t rule out AP Physics or AP Spanish.
They should write an amazing application essay. Do you have any idea how many essays they read and how they all begin to sound the same? They need to stand out; be different. An FAU admission officer doesn’t want to see another essay about how much your students want to go to school in sunny South Florida. If they are unsure how to go about doing this, feel free to seek help. We recommend Essential Essays College Essay Consulting, assisting students with brainstorming, planning, and writing college essays that will reveal their personality and give their applications a positive edge. It’s entirely possible that this year, due to students being unable to take standardized tests, it may count more than ever.
When applying to FAU, be extremely careful about what you are applying for. Not only do you have the choice of applying for Summer B instead of Fall, but also early action. If FAU is your dream school and you don’t get in, do not rule out some of Florida’s other great universities. Consider what you want to study because other colleges may offer a better program for their major.
Go Owls!
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