Dropping, When Is it Time?
When is the right time when dropping a class won’t hurt? There’s a point in every student’s college career where one class breaks you. For me, it was Business Calculus- and oh even typing those words still makes me cringe. I am a pretty good student, always have been. I work hard and study on a daily basis, but when I was taking business calculus- nothing was going my way. No matter how long and hard I studied, I did poorly on the tests. Yes, I know all “C’s get degrees.”, but this time I was struggling to even get a C while still maintaining my normal As in my other 4 classes. When I got back the grade from my 2nd test, I realized enough is enough.
The pressure of this class was making me emotionally and physically drained- and nothing is worth my happiness. I will spare you the details, I decided that I should drop the class and take it again (required) when I had an easier schedule, with a more sought after professor and start with a tutor from day one. There is no shame in this sort of plan. Sometimes the pressure is just not worth it.
Procedures to drop a course are on Student Central. After the first week of classes is over, starting on Monday, August 31st, if you want to drop a class it is considered a “late drop”. A late drop lasts through the automatic withdrawal period and to actually drop a class you must use E Drop. Be sure to verify that the course has been dropped successfully once you complete the process- it can take up to two days. Drop requests after Sunday, October 25th will mean that students will receive a W (withdrawn) on their transcript. There are financial repercussions as well when students drop a class. Students will still be fee liable for dropped courses, and it is the students’ responsibility to know the requirements of any scholarships you have. For every class you drop after the first week of class, there is a fee of $23.
But wait, do this…
Before dropping a class, it is always smart to talk to the professor first. Some professors may allow you to get an incomplete which allows students to complete the course within one year the Incomplete was assigned. This may give students time to finish the class over summer- and put all their focus and dedication towards the class. Unsure if you should drop or not, consider reviewing the class syllabus to determine what your final grade could be and if you want that grade to be a part of your GPA. Dropping a class is much better for your GPA than failing a class or getting a C or D in it is because a dropped class does not affect your grade point average. Dropping a class may also raise your GPA because it can allow you to spend more time on other classes and raise your grades in those classes.
Please check with Financial Aid if you have concerns. Your academic advisor may be able to assist you with some financial issues, but Financial Aid is generally between you and Student Financial Affairs.
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