Here are Ways to Beat Stress at School
Stress is a real issue in college life. Although college is a lot of fun and games, students also have a heavy course load. This is typically the first time most students are living on their own, leading to many new adjustments. These factors can be extremely stressful at times for students. As if a full schedule and trying to maintain a social life isn’t enough to cause a little stress, students are constantly having to prepare for projects, homework, quizzes, and what seems like never-ending exams. Fortunately, IU is on top of it, offering various programs, workshops, training, and suggestions; most of which are free.
**While classes have been forced to go online, most of the usual opportunities for counseling and stress reduction may not be available. However; IU is prepared with other counseling options. You may also want to check out ways to Excel in Online Classes to avoid some of that stress.
When it comes to health at IU, they have a variety of resources that are extremely helpful. Many students start to have unhealthy mental health habits when they are too overloaded with stress, and IU is here to prevent that. IU offers a program called “Mindful Way to Stress Reduction” which focuses on how to recognize and manage stressful situations. IU also offers a free online course that teaches students how to reduce stress, which is very beneficial.
While stress is something we all often face, we have to make sure that situations we can control- are being controlled. If students do not take control of their daily routines, they will oftentimes get more stressed. For example, students should always make sure they are eating healthy, nutritious meals to have enough stamina to last a long day. IU offers a Nutritional Counselor on campus to make sure students are eating the right foods to stay healthy.
Yes, Rachel, we see from Snapchat you were up all night at the library studying but did you ever think that your stress and bad test scores are a result of no sleep? IU provides students with a variety of healthy sleep tips and resources. Students feeling strong and well-rested often eliminate an abundant amount of stress. Check out some of these Workshop Handouts & Recordings that can be thought of as portable stress management tools. Each one works differently and is focused on various issues that may be the cause of stress or simply offer ways to reduce it.
Students should also take advantage of the Office of Health and Wellness if they are feeling overwhelmed and need some helpful de-stressing tips. The Office of Health and Wellness has placed stress-buster kits in eight different locations around campus (such as the dental school, the law school, the Multicultural Center, and some residence halls). These kits are full of fun activities like puzzles, magazines, and activities to help students have a mental break from reality.
During finals, IU provides a bunch of exciting, fun events that allow students to de-stress. I personally think that staying organized keeps me less stressed. I have the “Stickies” app on my computer and I write out my schedule for the week on virtual sticky notes. This allows me to see everything I have to complete, every time I open my laptop. Every student has different ways to help them de-stress, whether it is working out, hanging out with friends, watching Netflix, or even baking, I encourage students to find what works best for them by exploring all options!
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