That was then…
As a little girl Halloween consisted of dressing up for school, going desk to desk filling up my school basket with candy from my classmates while getting a sugar rush. From there I remember always entering my home to the smell of cinnamon broomsticks and pumpkin bread baking in the oven. After carving silly faces on our pumpkins we would explore the neighborhood for hours trying to see which houses gave out the biggest candy bars.
This is now…
As fun as Halloween was as a kid, Halloween is a different kind of fun in college. Typically the Indiana campus will be decorated, with dorm rooms and dining halls in festive decor. Many times the dorms will have competitions to see who can decorate there dorm door the spookiest. Bloomington is also absolutely beautiful in October. The leaves will be crunching below your feet and it is the perfect time of year to have a bonfire with friends and enjoy some festive warm drinks.
Halloween night is one of the biggest party scenes at the local bars. Kilroys is where most of the action takes place. Most students will dress up and the center of the party is here at the various bars. Fraternities will also host Halloween themed parties. Yes, it’s only one night but students typically will dress up several different nights in costumes.
Some of my friends have been brainstorming Halloween costumes since summer, you can say that it is most college kids’ favorite holiday. Give students a reason to dress up crazy and go to the bars, and oh they will! While Halloween is a lot of fun if you decide to hit the bars or go out, make sure you are always staying in a group of friends and never leave alone.
If you are not in the mood to party the Halloween night away there are plenty of festive events going on in the town of Bloomington. There is a Not-So-Scary Halloween Party at the Banneker Community Center that is $5 and will include a to-go bag of fun Halloween crafts, activities, and candy. If you are the mood to be terrified, The Barn of Terror is happening throughout the month of October every Friday and Saturday night from 8 pm-12 am. Prepare yourself, its scary! There are also a variety of ghost tours in Bloomington that will take you on a tour of the scariest locations. Send a Little Halloween Love by checking out our Halloween Gift Guide.
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