When You Need Electives
Did you plan for some electives? At orientation before freshman year, had started, advisors asked that students declare a major. My daughter left there practically in tears, feeling as though the pressure was on and her course needed to be set. There was a course catalog, per se, in front of her, but she felt limited to just the pages within her major. We encouraged her to explore. Take all different sorts of electives, because you just never know what may spark an interest and possibly change an intended path for something even more grand and exciting.
Sometimes students’ schedules are just so jam-packed that an easy and fun elective is the perfect way to round out a schedule. Electives can serve many purposes: fulfill an individual’s major requirement, supplement more rigorous courses to complete a minor, fill a schedule, or simply to have fun. For those who have the time and space in their schedule for a fun and easy elective, check these out:
- Yoga (PEM 2121) – For the record, this isn’t just about poses and breathing. There are actually papers and readings. It is much more than just stretching a few times a week, but a popular and well-liked class. There is also a PEM2122 – Yoga for Performers- an easy online yoga class. 3 credits
- Pilates (PEM2127C) – 2 credits
- Bowling (PEL 2111) – Great practice for that league they may join someday. Our interns say is so cool, but we also hear that they really teach you to bowl. 2 credits
- Harry Potter Studies (ENL 3378) – The class is divided into the 4 Hogwarts houses to study J.K. Rowling’s books. There are papers to write and students will play Quidditch. 3 credits
- Fine Spirits Management (HFT 4865) – Students actually learn techniques of brewing beer, aroma, and taste profiles, as well as advertisement and sales of spirits. Must be 21, because there are tastings. The class is taken at Rosen.
- Anthropology of the Undead (ANT 3026) – Class about zombies, natural and supernatural world. No seriously.
- Medicinal Botany (BOT 4850) –Learn about the medicinal properties of plants and how they play a role in both traditional and modern medicine. Green thumb not required.
- Exploring Wines of the World (HFT 4866) – Must be 21 and is taken at Rosen. This a popular class and one that is perfect to take before they truly enter the adult world. Like Fine Spirits class, this is the knowledge that will last a lifetime. This class, which is 3 credits, is a pre-requisite for HFT 4865. HFT 3868 is also a pre-requisite.
- Evolution of Video Games (DIG 3043) – What can I say? Students like it.
- Ballroom Dance (DA 2300)- We heard it’s really cool and you don’t need to be a good dancer to pass the class.
- Archeology of Sex (ANT 3173) – The textbook is called, “The Art of Lovemaking,” and rumor has it there is a lot of giggling going on during discussions of the history of sex in rituals, art, and practice throughout the world.
- Japanese Manga and Anime (ART 3824)
- Survey Of Rock (MUH 2017) – You learn about rock music through the ages and get to listen to a lot of great stuff!
- Culture and Cuisine (FSS 3008) – This one is for the foodie and travel lover. Apparently, there is one professor that will even buy you lunch.
- The American Presidency (POS 3413) – It’s cool to really understand the role of the President, both historically and today.
- Sociology of Murder (SYP 3511) – homicides, offenders, and victims, oh my
- Sociology of Popular Culture (SYP 3630) – I believe I need this class more than my student does, but we hear it is fun.
- Basic Volleyball and Softball (PEL2011) – Certainly sounds fun.
- Theatre Survey (THE-2000) – Great class to take if you enjoy learning about the history of acting from Shakespeare to today. You also get to watch some pretty awesome plays (depending on the professor).
- Beginning Ceramics (ART 2754C)- known to be a really relaxed class, but make sure to take notes!
- Film History (FIL 2030)- Our intern is in this class right now and loves it. It has 4 exams due at the end of the semester and that is it!
- Visual Communication (VIC 3001)- A fun easy class online in the mass communications department.
- The Human Species (ANT 2511)- Our intern took this class as a freshman and was very easy! You learn a lot about evolution and watch a lot of monkey videos.
- Introduction to American Sign Language (ASL 2140)- This class is not only a great class to take, but also satisfies a student’s foreign language requirement. This class fills up incredibly fast which shows the popularity of the course. It is a two-hour class, but previous students have said that the class goes by very fast.
- Sex, Drugs, and Rock and Roll (THE 3250)- This class is taught within the theatre department and is all online! It is super easy to go at your own pace and learn a lot about the ups and downs of theatre. You get to watch some theatrical shows and the only writing involved you get to relate to your own life!
- Internship- This depends on a student’s major, but some majors provide credit to students who have an internship for a full semester. This internship does not need to be full time, but students need to meet a time requirement by the end of the semester. The internship can be both paid or unpaid and students will receive anywhere from 1-6 credit hours. I’m a part of the Nicholson School of communication and I was able to receive this class twice! Adding up to 6 credit hours in electives.
- Argumentative Writing (ENC 3315)- This class is a bit more on the challenging side, but I highly recommend it. The class analyzes different arguments in history and teaches you how to argue effectively (whether that be with a coworker or your mom). Classes can sometimes get heated when arguments arise, but that is the fun of it!
- Rosen Hospitality Oasis Of The Sea Cruise– This sounds like just a fun, Spring Break cruise, but it is actually a class! Students of the Rosen college are able to sign up for this class that teaches you everything about the cruise industry. Then, students go on a 7-day cruise during spring break! The cost of the cruise is separate from the course and is due the first week of class, but many students have told me how fun it was to experience this class.
If students are looking for a 3 credit summer course, then this is a great opportunity to learn Basic Sport First Aid and CPR.
Electives often fill quickly so make a list of the top few electives you would like to take including the course code. This allows for quick searching on the day and time registration opens. As with any class, it is a good idea to check out the professors beforehand. Some electives that include materials will cost money to participate. There are always CLEP exams too. These aren’t necessarily easy, but they can bring students closer to graduation without taking an actual class. Basically, CLEP exams allow students to receive college credit for what you already know by earning qualifying scores on any of the many examinations. It is brilliant, really. And just for the fun of it…There is a 2019 Summer Knights Reading challenge.
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