Transferring to Become a Knight!
Some students leave for college unsure of what to find and realize when they get there that it is not the place for them. Transferring may be the answer. Perhaps too they never actually went away, but had been living at home for college and are now ready to go away. UCF makes the transfer process fairly simply via a program called “Transfer to be a Knight,” which literally provides students considering a transfer all the information they will need to plan accordingly.
According to US News & World Report, more students choose to transfer to UCF than any other school. We can’t blame them. Students can apply up to one year prior to the term they wish to enroll in. If financial aid and housing are something your student will be in need of, it is recommended that they apply as early as possible. UCF computes a GPA for each college attended, as well as a cumulative GPA on all attempted coursework. Admission criteria vary based upon the total number of transferable semester hours of college coursework completed; ie: fewer than 30 credit hours, between 30-60 credit hours, 60 credit hours, but may also include SAT scores (the redesigned SAT) or high school GPA, depending on present credit hours. All these things, including the application process, are discussed at the Transfer to be Knight program sessions at UCF given every other Thursday at 4 pm.
Once your student has made the transfer UCF also has a student organization designed to help incoming transfer students integrate successfully into the Knight community. They might want to start by joining the Facebook group (Transfer Knights) or following them on Instagram (@transferknights).
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