Dropping the Subject
Will it be okay when you think dropping a class is the best choice? When my daughter was a junior, she decided to take a very heavy class load which included Beginning Chinese. We discussed whether she should take this class (which had nothing to do with her major) in conjunction with her other classes. However, my daughter believed it would be an enjoyable challenge.
Four weeks into the class, she called me feeling extremely stressed and anxious. It was heartbreaking to see my overachiever feeling so defeated and in over her head. As much as she wanted to succeed, it was taking its toll on her and the rest of her semester’s obligations. While the ultimate decision was, of course, hers to drop the class, I believe she wanted my support and blessing on her difficult decision. For me, her mental health was more important, and worth a cost much higher than letting go of a class. I’ve found that when discussing schedules and other similarly big decisions, reminding my student of that value as well as a healthy overall perspective is an important part of my job as the parent of a young adult.
The Financial and Grade Repercussions of Dropping a Class
The University has an article that discusses the positives and negatives of dropping a class. In addition, the University’s Handbook explains the rules for undergraduates for dropping a class. The procedures to drop a course are on the student self-service page at ONE.UF. As I noted earlier, there are also financial repercussions when your student drops a class. Your student will still be fee-liable for dropped courses, and it is THEIR/YOUR responsibility to know the requirements for any scholarships they have, including Bright Futures. Most course drops require repayment to Bright Futures and may require repayment to other programs. If you have any questions about the number of hours your student needs, the impact of dropping a class, or any other situation, download the interactive tool BFCreditHourTool (8).
Please check with Financial Aid if there are concerns. Your student’s academic advisor may be able to assist with some financial issues, but Financial Aid is generally an obligation between your student and Student Financial Affairs.
Drop and Withdrawal Deadlines, Summer 2020:
- May 12, 2020 – Drop or Withdrawal from All Summer A and C Courses with No Fee Liability
- May 20, 2020 – Withdrawal with 25% Refund (W assigned to all Summer A courses)
- May 29, 2020 – Withdrawal with 255 Refund (W assigned to all Summer C courses)
- June 12, 2020 – Drop and Withdrawal Deadline, Summer A (W assigned to an individual or all courses)
- July 7, 2020 – Drop or Withdrawal from All Summer B Courses with No Fee Liability
- July 15, 2020 – Withdrawal From Summer B Courses with 25% Refund
- August 7, 2020 – Drop Deadline for Summer B and C (W assigned to individual courses subject to college approval)
- August 7, 2020 – Withdrawal Deadline (W assigned to all Summer B or C Courses)
- August 14, 2020 – Drop or Withdrawal after the Drop/Withdrawal Deadline, Summer B and C (by petition)
Drop and Withdrawal Deadlines, Fall 2020:
- August 31 – September 4, 2020 – Drop/Add for Fall 2020
- September 4, 2020 – Drop or Withdrawal from All Fall Courses with No Fee Liability
- September 25, 2020 – Withdrawal From Fall Courses with 25% Refund (W assigned to all Fall courses)
- November 23, 2020 – Withdrawal Deadline (W assigned to all Fall courses)
- December 9, 2020 – Drop or Withdrawal after the Drop/Withdrawal Deadline, Fall (by petition)
Drop and Withdrawal Deadlines, Spring 2021:
- January 5-8, 11, 2021 – Drop/Add for Spring 2021
- January 11, 2021 – Drop or Withdrawal from All Spring Courses with No Fee Liability
- January 29, 2021 – Withdrawal From Spring Courses with 25% Refund (W assigned to all Spring courses)
- April 9, 2021 – Withdrawal Deadline (W assigned to all Spring courses)
- April 21, 2021 – Drop or Withdrawal after the Drop/Withdrawal Deadline, Spring (by petition)
Drop and Withdrawal Deadlines, Summer A/C 2021:
- May 10-11, 2021 – Drop/Add for Summer A/C 2021
- May 11, 2021 – Drop or Withdrawal from All Summer A and C Courses with No Fee Liability
- May 19, 2021 – Withdrawal with 25% Refund (W assigned to all Summer A courses)
- May 28, 2021 – Withdrawal with 25% Refund (W assigned to all Summer C courses)
- June 11, 2021 – Drop and Withdrawal Deadline, Summer A (W assigned to individual or all courses)
- June 18, 2021 – Drop or Withdrawal after the Drop/Withdrawal Deadline, Summer A (by petition)
- July 30, 2021 – Drop and Withdrawal Deadline, Summer C (W assigned to individual or all courses)
- August 6, 2021 – Drop or Withdrawal after the Drop/Withdrawal Deadline, Summer C (by petition)
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