What Students Wish They Took
Today, universities have students declare a major almost immediately. That’s not to say they cannot change their major but, once a student is following their course track, it can become more difficult to switch as they progress further into their major. And for those students that love their major, they often opt to take other classes within their college major instead of exploring all the different electives that are available. But, sometimes students’ schedules are just so stress-packed that an easy, fun, and exciting elective is the perfect way to round out a schedule. Electives can serve many purposes: fulfill an individual’s major requirement, supplement more rigorous courses to complete a minor, fill a schedule, or simply to have great fun. The following electives offer lots of fun choices:
Arts & Crafts
- Ceramics: Beginning Throwing
- Ceramics: Hand-building Decorative Pots for Plants
- Craft Workshops: Make It and Take It
- Jewelry Making: Silver Pendants/Silver Rings
- Painting: Landscapes
- Improv
Food & Beverage
- Wine Tasting
- Wines of France
- Pasta & Sauce Cooking
- Vegetable Gardening
- Adult Jazz/Hip-Hop
- Aerial Dance
- African Dance
- Bachata
- Ballroom Dance
- Beginning Adult Ballet
- Latin Dance Crash Course
- Salsa
Health & Wellness
- How to Thrive in an Automated World
- Introduction to Essential Oils
- Mindful Living
- Stress and Anxiety Management
- Women’s Empowerment and Conscious Living
- Yoga
- Cowboy Way
- Horsemanship
- Scuba
- Archery 101
- Golf: Beginning
Miscellaneous Fun
- History of Florida
- The Art of Getting Hired
- Imagineering the Technosphere
If any of the courses above are departmentally controlled, do not be discouraged from pursuing it. Send an email, pay an office-hour visit, or discuss this with an advisor; taking these actions will almost always allow you access to the elective of your choice. One thing to note, however, is that these electives often fill quickly. So it’s in your best interest to make a list of the top 5 electives (including their course code) that you would like to take. This allows for quick searching on the day and time your registration opens. Lastly, be aware that some of the electives will require materials that add an additional cost to your participation, and, often, it will be charged to your student account.
The University of Florida has lots of fun and easy electives to offer. Speaking from my experience as a fourth-year Biology major, I did not take the time to schedule fun electives because I felt I needed to take rigorous courses. As a result, I pushed the things I enjoyed to the side. Unfortunately, I wish I had taken the time to make memories, meet great people, and learn something other than biology.
Stella Fedele, UF Intern
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