Accessibility Accommodations for all Students
For students with a disability, Accessibility, and Disability Services (ADS) can help. The University of Maryland is committed to giving accommodations to students in need in order to ensure equal access to all services, programs, and activities. ADS is a part of the Division of Student Affairs and Counseling Center. Whether it’s ADHD or physical impairment, UMD provides great care and consideration for providing access to all.
The University of Maryland has a variety of services that work to ensure that students are accommodated and accessibility needs are met In order to receive these accommodations and services, students must go through the eligibility and registration process. Any student who has documentation is eligible to apply for reasonable accommodations, as well as individuals with one or more physical or mental impairments that interfere with major life activities. At Accessibility and Disability Services, accommodations are determined during the registration process and on an individualized basis.
The registration process for students is done through ADS as well. The first step in the process is providing supporting documentation that demonstrates how their disability limits their participation in courses, programs, services, jobs, activities, and/or access to facilities at UMD. The documentation must be relevant and current and from appropriate professionals who are credentialed to diagnose the student’s particular disability.
Documentation will vary depending on the nature of the disability and accommodations requested. In addition to documentation, students must initiate contact with the ADS and attend a registration meeting, complete registration materials, and engage in an interactive process in order for the ADS to determine qualifications for services and eligibility for requested academic accommodation. For more information on everything involving Accessibility and Disability services, parents and students can go to their website or visit the center on the lower level of the Shoemaker Building (room 0106).
Encourage your students to take an active part in their accessibility plan. Plan early, meet with professors ahead of time so that they are confident knowing that the instructors are aware of their needs. Tour the campus and plan routes for assurance. There will always be someone around to help, so don’t hesitate to ask.
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