Alumni Networking, Perks, and More…
Before you know it, you are walking across the stage at graduation, and with that last step, you are officially a Terp alumnus. You may be super excited and a little sad that your “Terp” life has ended. But it hasn’t! The first thing that you should do is join the UMD Alumni Association. By doing that, you have the chance to continue your Terp pride through contacts, fun events, and networking. And it always provides opportunities for you to show off your new Terp swag. Like all associations, they help keep the spirit of the school going, and the benefits are too good to pass up.
There are so reasons to join the Alumni Association and joining is extremely easy! You should join as soon as possible because those who recently graduated (up to one year after they graduate) get a discounted membership price called Gradpak. Gradpak allows you to pay $25 annually, $300 for life, $375 for Life Joint, and $450 for Legacy. Alumni have the option to join the alumni association for one year, three years, or a lifetime.
When it comes to benefits, they range from arts & entertainment, campus, career & education, travel perks, and more. Being part of the Association provides many discounts as well. Discounts include all sorts of things but are not limited to, career coaching and education, travel, entertainment, fitness centers, business partner offer, gifts, and merchandise, Kaplan Test Prep Courses.
Another element of the Alumni Association that is very useful for recent grads are all the ways to network with other alumni. Terrapins Connect is a platform that provides mentorship and networking opportunities for Terps. This is available in cities all over the country and can really be helpful when looking for job opportunities. Careers 4 Terps is another service created by the University of Maryland Alumni Association in partnership with the University Career Center and the President’s Promise. They provide individuals with critical career assistance such as resume assistance, networking events, career fairs, and more.
Homecoming is a big event for alumni. Not only are there activities almost every day of Homecoming week, but members have priority to the parade viewing, cocktail parties, concerts, socials, and more. The UMD Alumni Association also has many chapters and clubs. Clubs vary based on special interests, the different colleges within UMD, or differing locations throughout the country.
Some point after you graduate you will probably want to order a Terp license plate frame for their car. The Terp license plate is available in Maryland and Virginia as well. Being an alumnus provides benefits in many ways. Sometimes they even come with discounts on various goods and services.
Once a Terp, always a Terp.
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