Who Should You Call When You Need Answers?
The important contact info you need to have. Over the years there have been only a few times that I, as a parent, have felt the need to call the campus to resolve an issue. Generally, I try to get my kids to handle it themselves. However, knowing where to call for whatever the issue can be daunting. For instance, trying to decipher how rush works or even having financial aid issues. Be aware though that, unless your student has given you permission to call or is sitting with you, some departments won’t speak to you, the parent.
Check out our blog What You Should Do Before Leaving For UNF to download different legal documents. These documents give parents’ permission in different medical and legal scenarios.
President of UNF: Dr. David Szymanski. His office is located at 1 UNF Drive J.J. Daniel Hall, Suite 2800. Jacksonville, FL 32224. david.szymanski@unf.edu (904) 620-2500
We realize that finding the right place to call isn’t always so simple so we have listed several of the offices and what they are used for to make your navigation simpler. Many of our blogs address issues that you may be looking for guidance about too so we have linked those too.
If a student sees and wants to report suspicious persons, incidents, and unsafe conditions, they can report it to (904)620-2800. If an emergency occurs, dial 911.
Located in the J. Brooks Brown addition in Building 39A, Room 2098, the offices of student health services are an easy and dependable resource for students since many do not have their own doctor. Their hours are Monday to Friday from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm. They can also be reached via phone (904) 620-2900, or email the Office Manager, Karen McSheffrey at k.mcsheffrey@unf.edu.
The Interim Director of Student Health Services is Dr. Pat Richards, APRN. Questions or concerns should be directed to Karen McSheffrey.
The office asks that if you need to contact student health services for a medical need or question to please call the clinic at 904-620-2900. Email-only with non-medical concerns such as billing or immunizations, and to please not email staff with any medical questions or concerns because they are not actively monitored for medical issues. Other than routine appointments, they offer Nursing Triage and a Priority Clinic for urgent situations that need immediate attention. In order to make an appointment, which is required, they can be reached at (904)620-2900. Note: If your student has not filled out forms prior to your call; they will not release any information about your student. Make sure your student has signed these forms.
See our blog Sick at School for more information.
Dr. Andrea Adams-Mannings is the Dean of Students. a.adams-manning@unf.edu 1 UNF Drive Tom & Betty Petway Hall, Bldg. 57, Ste 2700 (904) 620-1491. The Office of the Dean of Students works collaboratively with other offices on campus to enhance the quality of a student’s life and member of the UNF community.
Financial Aid Office – One Stop Student Services.
The Interim Director of Financial Aid is Will Hunter. Students can go here to request information about financial aid, scholarships, disbursement, eligibility, verification, & general questions. The address if you need to mail an item is – One-Stop Student Services 1 UNF Drive Jacksonville, FL 32224. If your student needs to go to financial aid – Ann and David Hicks Hall Building 53, Ste 1700 4892 First Coast Tech Parkway. (904)620-5555.
For students who are having technical difficulties with their myWings account and its surrounding technologies, this is the place to get in touch with. Here is our blog on Technology Services at UNF and one on Computer and Phone Repair.
Help Desk support is available in person (check their hours here) and 24/7 via phone (904) 620-HELP/4357 and email helpdesk@unf.edu.
Phone: (904) 620-4663
The Housing Office is open Monday-Friday 8 am to 5 pm. If your student is having problems, they should contact their Resident Assistant or Area Desks. Information regarding residence halls and staff can be found here. The Senior Director of Housing and Resident Life is Bob Boyle. You may email him at rboyle@unf.edu. I have spoken to Bob on several occasions and he is a pleasure to work with. You will see him walking around move-in day each semester!
If your student is having issues with laundry, pest control, cleaning issues, plumbing leaks, doors, locks, air conditioning, Cable, Internet, Furniture, they can contact the UNF Maintenance Department and submit a request.
Student Disability Resource Center – For students that have any type of disability that require special accommodations, campus accessibility, sponsored courses, course substitutions, this is the office you will want to be familiar with. The Director of the staff is Dr. Rusty Dubberly. His email is r.dubberly@unf.edu tel: (904)620-5407.
Here is our blog on Student Accessibility Resources.
Transportation and Parking Services – The Director is George Androuin, gandroui@unf.edu
If your vehicle gets towed from UNF’s property, then the student will want to contact the Transportation office at (904)620-2815. Tickets can be paid any time online. Click here for online payment information. If students need to go to UNF’s parking services here is their address: 1 UNF Drive, Bldg 52. Jacksonville.
Students may appeal their citations here. If you wish to appeal the citation it must be completed and submitted online. Appeal requests must be submitted online within 14 calendar days from the date of the citation. Appeals not filed within 14 calendar days are untimely, will not be reviewed and the citation will stand as issued. If your appeal is denied by Parking Services, a second appeal may be submitted. The second appeal must be submitted online within 14 calendar days from the date listed on the email regarding first level appeal decision. The request must be sent to parkingappeals@unf.edu with the citation number. Failure to submit a second level appeal will result in late fees and other penalties. A hearing will be scheduled with the appropriate Parking Appeals Hearing Board. The hearing will be placed on the docket for the next available hearing date and time. If you are a student, faculty, or staff member, an email will be sent to your UNF address with the date and time of the scheduled hearing.
If you are a guest at UNF, an email will be sent to the email address reflected on your original appeal with the date and time of the scheduled hearing. It is the appellant’s responsibility to attend the scheduled hearing. Hearings will NOT be rescheduled. If you fail to appear at the scheduled hearing, your appeal will be automatically denied. If you are a student, your case will be heard by the Student Appeals Board. If you are a visitor, faculty member or staff member, your case will be heard by the Non-Student Appeals Board. The second level of appeal is the final decision.
Perhaps you have a student that works at UNF. The Office of Human Resources is the first point of contact for questions regarding employment, benefits, compensation, payroll, employee/labor relations, and classification. The office may be reached at (904)620-2903. The office is located at the Office of Human Resources 1 UNF Dr. Building 1 – J. J. Daniel Hall, Room 1101.
Director of Human Resources is Carrie Guth – carrie.guth@unf.edu (904) 620-2918
VP for Human Resources – Shari Shuman shuman@unf.edu (904)620-4727
Associate. VP of Administration & Finance – John Hale john.hale@unf.edu (904)620-1713
Because dealing with stress can sometimes require a little extra help:
UNF Counseling Center– UNF is on top of it, offering various programs, workshops, training, and suggestions; most of which are free to our Ospreys. Attached is our blog on stress at college at UNF. At the UNF Counseling Center, your student has access to free wellness programs addressing stress management, relaxation strategies, sleep habits, study skills, eating habits and exercise. The Counseling Center is located at 1 UNF Drive Bldg 2 Room 2300. (904)620-2602. The Clinical Director is Dr. Deborah Baker. (904) 620-2602, d.baker@unf.edu
For emergencies regarding your student, all 911. Urgent services are available 24/7 to students who need immediate attention. If a student is having an urgent mental health need, they are welcome to walk into the Counseling Center weekdays 8 am-5 pm. If the urgent need is happening after-hours or during weekends, support is available via phone at (904)620-2602, option #2.
If students or someone they care about that has been a victim of a crime, confidential support is available and they can talk with someone about their options. Located at 1 UNF Drive Bldg 2, Ste 2100. Victim Advocate services are available 24 hours a day, including holidays at (904)620-1010.
The office is open for Monday – Friday from 8-5. To reach a confidential advocate day or night call: (904)620-2528 or can be emailed at ddi@unf.edu.
DRC (Disabilities Resource Center)- call for living/learning accommodations, extra time on exams, etc. The Director of the staff is Dr. Rusty Dubberly. His email is r.dubberly@unf.edu (904)620-5407.
Sorority and Fraternity Affairs – Both Panhellenic (PC), Interfraternity Council (IFC) and Multicultural Greek Council (MGC) fall under the Division of Student Affairs. Sorority and Fraternity Affairs is the office of professional staff that provides guidance, education, and support to the Florida Greek community. To contact SFA, call (904) 620-5809 or email ofsl@unf.edu. They are located at 1 UNF Drive, Jacksonville.
For basic questions, we have listed the emails below. Should you need to speak with someone in administration, you can contact the following:
Jen Miranda Associate Director, Sorority & Fraternity Affairs j.miranda@unf.edu (904)620-5809
Richard Huffman, Coordinator r.huffman@unf.edu (904) 620-5809
Panhellenic: For our sorority rushing blog, click here.
Questions regarding the Panhellenic Council at large: unfpanhel.president@gmail.com
Questions regarding recruitment: unfpanhel.vprecruitment@gmail.com
Questions regarding Panhellenic Preview: unfpanhel.evp@gmail.com
Questions regarding Panhellenic activities: unfpanhel.vpprogramming@gmail.com
Questions regarding the Judicial Board and/or conduct: unfpanhel.vpstandards@gmail.com
Interfraternity Council: (904)620-5809. For our fraternity rushing blog, click here.
Questions regarding the Interfraternity Council: president@unfifc.org
Questions regarding recruitment: vprecruitment@unfifc.org
Should it be an urgent matter, you may contact president@unfifc.org
Multicultural Greek Council – The Multicultural Greek Council (MGC) is the governing body for the culturally-based fraternity and sorority chapters at UNF. The MGC currently consists of three organizations, one fraternity, and two sororities, that are culturally-based and diverse in nature. The primary purpose of the MGC is to unite its member organizations in order to share ideas and provide a support network for students. Members of the MGC experience Greek life in a unique way, as our chapters relatively small (10-25 undergraduate members) in size, which fosters strong, lifelong bonds between members and alumni.
UNF Individual Colleges – It is always good for your student to follow the chain of command if they are having an issue within their college. But, should following that chain not work, here is the contact information for each individual college.
Dean: Curt Lox, Ph.D. (904) 620-2810, c.lox@unf.edu
Brooks College of Health
University of North Florida
Building 39, Suite 3031
1 UNF Drive
Jacksonville, FL 32224
Dean: Dr. Richard Buttimer Jr. – (904) 620-5280 richard.buttimer@unf.edu
Coggin College of Business
1 UNF Drive
Building 42
Jacksonville, FL 32224
Dean: George Rainbolt (904) 620-2560 George.rainbolt@unf.edu
College of Arts and Sciences
1 UNF Drive
Building 51, Room 3301
Jacksonville, FL 3222
College of Computing, Engineering & Construction
Dean: William Klostermeyer (Interim) (904) 620-1327 wkloster@unf.edu
College of Computing, Engineering & Construction
1 UNF Drive
Skinner-Jones Hall Bldg 4, Ste 4201
Jacksonville, FL 32224
College of Education & Human Services
Dean: Diane Yendol-Hoppey, Ph.D. (904)620-2520 diane.yendol-hoppey@unf.edu
College of Education & Human Services
1 UNF Drive
Jacksonville, FL 32224
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