You Can Dance If You Want To
One of the most popular fundraising events in colleges across the country is Dance Marathon. Dance Marathon is part of a nationwide movement involving college and high school students across the country, all raising money for the Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals in their community. Students spend a year learning invaluable leadership and life skills while raising funds and interacting with patients and families. The year culminates with an event in which students stay on their feet through dancing, games, and entertainment in celebration of the total amount raised that year.
UNF’s Osprey Miracle dance marathon is entering its 9th year raising funds for the Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals of Northeast Florida and Southeast Georgia. All donations benefit UF Health Jacksonville and Wolfson Children’s Hospital. Each year dancers take part in a 12-hour event to raise funds and awareness for both pediatric programs. There is dancing, games, live entertainment, free food, opportunities to continue fundraising, and earning spirit points as well as Miracle Family guest speakers.
Typically you can expect to see a tremendous amount of Facebook posts from UNF’s students along with emails, texts, and phone calls if your child is involved in a dance marathon asking for any donations. It is a really important event at UNF and the students become very emotionally attached to the children that they meet and are raising money for. When you see posts that say #FTK or #ForTheKids, this refers to raising money for the young patients at Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals through dance marathon.
UNF’s registration and to read about CMN and the donation page. However, if you are planning on donating, it might be a good idea to wait until your child requests donations because sometimes the school has challenges to see which organization raises the most money.
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