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If it’s Broken, You Must Fix It
Fix it and repair shops are one of the necessities of life, and when our kids are away at school, we want to make sure that they are receiving quality service at reputable prices. It can happen to anyone, stuff just breaks down, so whether it’s a bike or car there is always a way to get it fixed right. Although UNF is a smaller campus compared to other Florida universities, students still prefer skateboards and bicycles as the main mode of transportation on campus, but they also have break-down issues. Cars are still the main transportation for students off-campus, and as we know cars breakdown or little accidents happen. Keeping your students mobilized is important. Listed below are the repair shops for bicycles, skateboards, and autos that we have found near UNF:
Bicycle Repair Shops
- These lists are in order from closest to farthest away from the UNF campus.
- Bikes Direct Bike Shop, 4624 Town Crossings Drive, Jacksonville, 904-928-2453
- Bird Legs Bicycle, 1313 Beach Blvd., Jacksonville, 904-246-4433
Skateboard Repair Shops
- All Wet, 8550 Beach Blvd, Jacksonville, 904-646-9887
- Sunrise Surf Shop, 834 Beach Blvd, Jacksonville, 904-241-0822
Automotive Repair Shops
While there were quite a few recommendations, this recommended list is just the ones close to campus.
- Bryan’s Garage, 33 Aderhold Avenue, Jacksonville, 904-725-6785
- JJ Auto Care, 11630 Beach Blvd, Jacksonville, 904-721-6646
- Beach Plaza Auto Care, 1120 Beach Blvd, Jacksonville, 904-246-3211
- Mike’s Automotive Repair Shop Brakes Jacksonville, 3144 Leon Road, Jacksonville, 904-565-9340
So get it fixed and don’t worry!
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