More Veggies Please – Vegetarian/Vegan Dining
With our country’s focus on health and healthy eating, college students are growing up used to “making better choices” and being aware of responsible farming and food preparations. It’s not surprising that colleges are having to provide choices for all types of eaters on their campuses, so more veggies, please! That being said, there will never be a shortage of late-night pizza eaters on campuses. But for those sticking to a vegetarian or vegan diet, there are some choices for you to check out. Veggies rule!
- Green Erth Bistro (no not a typo!) – Downtown Jax. A beautiful bistro that serves Persian specialties.
- House of Leaf & Bean, An Organic Restaurant & Cafe – Located within minutes of the beach. A combination of western and Asian organic food and teas. Catering available.
- Southern Roots Filling Station – Downtown Jax. I loved their mission statement….” We love our community. Through food and drink, we connect to each other. Feeding our family, friends, and neighbors, teaching and sharing our craft, developing relationships, and practicing responsibility to the environment.” Offers, coffee, tea (in bulk), and a delicious menu.
- Besides these restaurants, there are many others in the area that offer vegan/vegetarian options. There are bowl and juice places that are recommended by students such as Jamba Juice which is located on campus. Jamba Juice offers a wide variety of juice, smoothies, bowls, and small bites.
- If you are in the mood for a really interesting bowl don’t miss JuiceBox! Besides incredible choices for juices and smoothies, JuiceBox is home to the Rainbow Bowl, a combination of Acai, apples, banana, strawberry, pineapple, blueberry, and more!
- Or take a little drive down Beach Boulevard to Kairos Nutrition Bar, you will not be sorry! Kairos has juices, bowls, smoothies and breakfast, and lunch items. They even have a create your own bowl or wrap filled with incredible items.
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