Should I, or Shouldn’t I?
Call admissions or not? After the excitement of finally deciding on what colleges to apply to, there comes the time-consuming process of filling out applications, writing essays, getting school records together, and paying the application fees. I clearly remember when my daughter hit her last keystroke on her last application. She was so relieved, but that soon turned into anxious waiting. For someone who rarely checked her email, she became obsessed with checking it every day, as well as checking the house mail, “just in case.”
USF has rolling admissions, which means that acceptances are posted multiple times, usually depending on the time that your application was received. There are three types of Admission Decision Letters that you could get. You may receive a Deferred Admission Letter which means that they haven’t quite decided on you yet and are waiting for more information. A Denied Admission Letter may sting but remember that you are meant to be where you end up. The last letter that everyone wants to receive is the Accepted Admission Letter. This will also include the next steps for you to follow to start your journey at USF.
Now, if you are either deferred or denied, the thought may be to call the admissions office for an explanation. People are sometimes scared to call for fear that it would work against you. Rarely does USF reverse a decision, but sometimes clarification helps. Of course, the student should be the one to call.
My daughter was deferred from another Florida school and was later denied. After that initial disappointment, she then knew that “it wasn’t meant to be” and rejoiced in her decision to become a Bull. Both students and parents go through a lot of ups and downs waiting for those emails and letters in the mail. As parents, it’s hard to not get caught up in the university that you want for them. Where ever they choose, it is all about what you make of your college experience, and how involved you get in your learning. Students need positive support no matter their decision.
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