Grocery Stores
A Kids Gotta Eat
On-campus or off, meal plan or not, your child will need to get groceries at some point and time. USF has many shopping options right around campus. Our first choice would be Publix. There are two nearby. One on N 53 St at the Terrace Ridge Plaza, and one on 16041 Terrace Palms Blvd in the City Plaza of Tampa Palms. If you are new to Florida, Publix is a Florida-based supermarket with every department found in most grocery stores including produce, deli, meats, canned goods, seafood, frozen foods, flowers, bread, soda, and stationery, candy, dairy and so on. It is undoubtedly the most popular grocer in Florida. Make sure your student downloads their app, as it is wonderful for digital coupons and recipe ideas. The extra minute it takes to check off items in the app can save you some money. My friend gave my daughter a Publix gift card for her high school graduation. It is a special card, as the parent gets one part of it where they can add to the student’s card at any register. Since my daughter was not on the meal plan, it was very easy for me to add money to my card for her weekly and it went directly to her card.
The on-campus Publix has opened! This is the first Publix to be built on a university campus and students couldn’t wait. This will also be a great place to work, as it is right on campus. Publix states that they will hold two job fairs a year for employment.
Another popular grocery store is Aldi. It is located at 13514 University Plaza St. You need a quarter to release a cart and need to bring your own bags, but the savings are incredible. I know there are a lot of Aldi fans, so this may be familiar to you.
Both Walmart and Target, just down the road from campus have groceries available. Many students like to visit these stores for “all in one” shopping; groceries, extra socks/underwear, toiletries, school supplies, etc.
If your student can’t get to the grocery store, Shipt will deliver their groceries right to them (for a fee, of course). And, there is also Instacart which delivers from Publix, Whole Foods, Costco, CVS and more.
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