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Students who attend USF face the same challenging classes and professors that any other competitive school has. Most are already used to balancing their academics with their social and civic lives. Others will find that the rigor of classes, along with time-management issues have caused them to either fall behind in class, or simply get lost. Coasting along in high school does not work in college, so sometimes getting a little help can keep your student on the right path. If your student mentions that he/she is having difficulty, there are many places that he/she can turn; including speaking with his/her professor and/or teaching assistant. There are peer academic study groups as well. But, if a tutor is needed, there are many options.
The USF Academic Success Center offers to tutor on many subjects. You can make an appointment or drop-in. Personally, making an appointment is better because they can get busy and there may not be available if you drop in. They also offer study skills classes and standardized test prep. The list of courses and hours. Their offices, as well as the SMART Lab and Writing Studio, are located in the library. They can have different hours than the library, so check these sites to verify.
The SMART Lab is a giant computer lab dedicated to helping students in math courses through assistance and technology. In this lab, the student enrolls in classes where they work at their own pace, and get immediate feedback. On-demand help is given from instruction by teacher assistants and tutors. This includes Precalculus, Trigonometry, and Algebra, College Algebra, Finite Math, Business Calculus, Intermediate Algebra, Introduction to College Mathematics, Calculus 1-3, Life Science Calculus 1-2, and Engineering Calculus 1-3. While in the lab, tutors can only answer one question at a time, so if you need more help, you should make an appointment with their tutors.
STEM Mart provides tutoring in Life Sciences Calculus I and II (MAC 2241/2242), Engineering Calculus I and II (MAC 2281/2282), and Calculus I and II (MAC 2311/2312).
Need help with writing? The Writing Studio offers 45-minute appointments with writing consultants to help with content, etc. They will “proofread” your essay for you by going through it together.
The INTO USF Tutoring Center strives to offer to tutor in every course within G.E., A.E. and Pathway, in addition to helping with Test Prep, Conversational English, and other writing needs. Pathway students can receive help in courses such as English, Chemistry, Engineering, Exercise Science, Business, Math, American Culture, Mass Communication, Education, and many others. The available hours and location of each tutor are listed when you make an appointment. Each department also may offer tutoring/help directly from their office. It is wise to check with the office to see what is offered there as well.
Students can also go on Fiverr to find tutors.
Textbook rental and purchase company Chegg offers Chegg Study is a great tool for help with homework. Learn from step-by-step solutions for 2,500+ textbooks in Math, Science, Engineering, Business, and more. Also, get answers in a pinch from experts and subject enthusiasts for your courses, 24/7. Stay ahead in your classes with Chegg Study for $14.95/month or $99.95/year. For more personal help, they also have a Chegg Tutor which gives more one-on-one help. The price is $15/week for 30 minutes (50¢/additional minute) and they offer a free trial.
And, students also speak highly of the Knack App, a peer-to-peer tutoring approach that allows students to find peers through the app that have done well in particular courses and schedule on their time. They offer package pricing but it equates to approximately $25/hour. They do offer discounts for higher hour packages including a semester pack and a yearly pack.
Here are a few other ideas our interns recommend:
- USF is now offering online tutoring, all in-person tutoring resources are suspended.
- You can schedule appointments with the Smart lab (college algebra, precalculus, business calculus, finite math, and intermediate algebra).
- You can schedule appointments with the ASC tutoring (Business, Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Statistics, Physics, Calculus, and/or to meet with a Study Skills Mentor).
- You can schedule appointments with the writing studio.
- For help from your TA’s, most of them have scheduled blackboard collaborations that you can join.
- If you need a great place to study, check out our blog on the best places to study on and off-campus.
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