Countdown to Finals
December is the best month filled with holiday cheer, amazing food, and time spent with family but before this fun time happens, students have to get through the struggles of finals week. If you are anything like my student, finals week is a stressful one. And with finals going virtual this year, some students may be taking them from home.
If your student is taking them at home, we’ve got some fun door signs that you can get them including:
- Door hanger dry-erase Do Not Disturb Whiteboard that you can customize.
- Sorry It’s Study Time Door Hanger
We turned to our interns, many of whom are juniors and seniors for their top tips for finals week.
- Stay Organized – We recommend making a final exam calendar to plan out your entire week. It’s going to be a busy week so designate each day to study for a specific test. This will allow you to stay on top of things and will lower your stress levels by staying so organized. Do not CRAM! Most people push off studying and suddenly it’s the day of the test. A week or two before the exam, we recommend looking over the format of the test and figuring out all the material you need to know
- Space Out Your Tests If Possible – We all know it’s no fun having three tests on the same day. If you have the option to pick when your exam will be, make sure you spread them apart to give yourself some time to focus on that specific exam without having any other thoughts in mine.
- Study Guides – Make sure you have your study guides ready before exam week so all you have to do is study away! You can make your own or collaborate with your peers to compile your notes.
- Study Location – Finding a good location where you feel comfortable is definitely at the top of my week when it comes to studying for finals. I can’t stand the 50-year-old wood chairs in the library so I personally love finding a corner in a coffee shop with a table to myself, a big mug of coffee, and a cushioned chair.
- Test Location – Make sure you have a quiet spot to take tests considering most of them will be proctored online. We recommend locking the door so no one comes in and completely turning your phone off. After all your hard work and dedication when it comes to studying, no need to risk a 0 by a phone call or someone walking in your room.
- Test Your Webcam – With COVID-19 a lot of exams are utilizing ProctorHub, You will need a working camera in order to take these exams. And, make sure you have steady WiFi, add a LAN cable. Nothing is worse than taking an exam and being kicked out because the WiFi went out.
- Study With Friends – or in small groups of classmates. Studying with others allows you to collaborate and figure out material others may know that you do not. You can do this socially distanced, through Zoom or together.
- Go To Office Hours – to ask your professors and teaching assistants questions. These are the people that know what will be on your test and can answer any questions you may have regarding material or the test. You can also meet with TAs and Professors (over zoom) if you have questions and to get stuff cleared up
- Look Over Past Exams if Possible – Past exams allow you to really understand what is to be expected on the test. Another great tip is to take practice exams or do practice questions. This allows you to put your knowledge to the test.
- Quizlet – Is your best friend. Quizlet is a great tool to utilize when studying for exams.
- Have Your Notecard or Cheat Sheet Prepared – Some professors allow you to have a cheat sheet. Do not wait until the last minute and write three things on it. Fill up that paper- it can really help.
- Practice Timing Yourself – Time management skills are super important. By practicing timing you are practicing not going over the time allotment when in the actual test.
- Playlist – Create a study playlist or use a focus music app.
- Shut Off Your Phone – when you’re studying and when you’re taking the exam. It is a huge distraction and you do not need it. You also risk it going off while taking an exam invalidating your score.
- Breaks – Although your days may be jammed, it is so important to take time for yourself and allow your brain to simply not think! Whether it’s watching Netflix or baking cookies, take some breaks to have fun! This will allow yourself to not get too stressed out.
- Energizing Meals- Healthy snacks and meals are definitely going to keep you going throughout finals. I know it can be tempting to drink coffee and energy drinks all day long but that will result in you feeling sick and having a caffeine crash which is never fun. Make sure your breakfast, lunch, and dinner are full of protein, fruits, and veggies! Snacks are also great to fuel you throughout the day so skip the chips and choose peanut butter or hard-boiled eggs to get your energy levels up.
- Comfy Clothes- Honestly, I don’t think I change out of pajamas, a messy bun, and slippers all of exam week so make sure your loungewear is ready.
- Exercise – Leave time to exercise and get outside- Your week will most likely consist of you sitting inside for hours on end so it is important that on your breaks you get outside and be active. Sometimes things as little as the sunshine will bring you serotonin!
- Don’t Overwork Yourself- When you are too tired, you won’t retain information. Make sure you get enough sleep and go to bed early. Even if it means waking up a few extra hours earlier, sleep is important!
- DND – Make sure your family knows when not to disturb you
Finally, we share this Ode to Finals Week
Good luck!
Arianna Powell, Madison Stutman, Carley Neer, Madeleine Morris, Lindsay Fine – HaveUHeard Interns
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