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A Mindful New Year
It is that time of year. Resolutions can be complicated. Traditionally, we choose to give up a bad habit, add good habits, be more present, and so on. Oftentimes, those resolutions are broken early on in the year. What if you were to choose words of inspiration instead? That is exactly what my friends and I have been doing since 2014. We choose an inspirational word or meaningful intention to set the tone for a mindful new year. That word is made into a bracelet. The idea came from a 2013 Today Show piece on making resolutions. This will be my eleventh year of picking words of inspiration.
I love looking down at my wrist and having a daily reminder. Words of inspiration can be based on manifesting positivity, celebrating all life has to offer, pursuing a goal, moving forward, or living life to its fullest. They can also be based on overcoming a challenge or a passion you want to explore, let go of, or improve upon.
Words Have Power
In 2014, a few of my friends and I selected words of inspiration for the year and had them made into bracelets from MyIntent. My word that year was based on finding direction. I was feeling stuck and confused. Clarity popped into my mind. Manifesting ideas, questions, and thoughts out into the universe is complicated. The universe may deliver an outcome different than what you intended. That’s because words have energy. That year, to say I got clarity is an understatement. From then on, I understood that words have power.
What About 2024
Some years, picking a word comes easy. For 2024, the word that speaks to me is Will. My bracelet is the new little layers from Little Words Project. Currently, I wear seven bracelets on my wrist with various words. This year, I am passing bracelets on to people I know who need them more.
I love both My Intent and Little Words Project’s mission. The founders of both companies are very philanthropic, raising money for good causes. LWP has a year-round initiative supporting causes they love. Each bracelet returns 25% of the net proceeds to a different nonprofit. My Intent gives funds and raises awareness for their favorite causes. They collaborate with organizations that share similar beliefs for intentionality and impact.
How to Pick A Word
If you are searching for inspiration, look on MyIntent or Little Words Project and this list from Heather Stillufsen.
Giving this to my friends is the ideal gift with intention. They can choose from MyIntent bracelets or Little Words Project. They make great gifts for birthdays, holidays, or any occasion.
Do you choose a word? I’d love to hear yours and why you chose it. Leave me a comment.
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