Vacations With Your Adult Kids
Janice Weinsoff2023-01-17T14:55:25-05:00Where to Start A vacation with your adult kids is complicated. First, you need to plan around everyone’s work schedules. Second, are you all traveling f [...]
Where to Start A vacation with your adult kids is complicated. First, you need to plan around everyone’s work schedules. Second, are you all traveling f [...]
Costa Rica, It Is After close to 20 years of traveling out west for a snow trip, we decided to switch it up to a closer, tropical vacation. Costa Rica, [...]
How Did We End Up In Sundance? We have had countless winter ski trips to Utah, but it was always Park City. Planning for our 2022 FamJam started six mon [...]
What Makes Them So Special My daughters and I have gone on seven Mother-Daughter trips. Of course, the destination does play a role. It’s a time to conn [...]
Côte d’Azur It Is France’s Côte d’Azur is also known as the French Riviera. It’s where turquoise waters meet golden beaches, and charming coastal towns [...]
Magnifique Marseille Marseille is the second largest and oldest city in France. It was our home for two nights to visit the city and Aix-en-Province. Ou [...]
The City of A Thousand Fountains We were excited to visit this college town known for its fountains of all shapes and sizes. We experienced charming str [...]
Why I Feel Strongly About Having Legal Documents As a widow, I am passionate about sharing lessons learned. My husband passed unexpectedly. Fortunately, [...]
The Information You Need To Know Being the caregiver for your aging parents is complicated. It requires patience, compassion, planning, and tough love. [...]
I came across a quote recently that encapsulates my life’s goals; “I’d rather have a passport full of stamps, than a house full of stuff.” Tbh, I did not even own a passport until six years ago having only traveled domestically. Truthfully, I was fortunate enough to be raised by parents who loaded all four of us girls in the car every summer and we went on driving trips in the U.S. Of course, and I do believe this was to keep us quiet and occupied, we were each assigned a state and decided what places we would visit in that state.
For Yourself and Your Kids Eight years ago, my husband passed away unexpectedly. If this experience taught me anything, it is important to have ALL of y [...]
This week has been upsetting with news of the leaked brief from the Supreme Court of Justices regarding Roe vs. Wade. I am unabashedly pro-choice. My po [...]
People Government And, Finding Common Ground Not even 24 hours after the Texas elementary school shooting, politicians on both sides of the aisle began [...]
Finally, Graduation! It seemed that this day was always way off in the future, but it’s true; graduation is almost here. Many people will be asking what [...]
Reaching Another Milestone Birthday As I sit back and reflect on the positives and negatives of 2021, I can't help but feel grateful. Grateful for being [...]
A Prescription For Feeling Better My prescription for staying healthy, besides environmental exposure, is a direct correlation between my physical, men [...]
The Gift That Keeps on Giving Last year, my sisters and I gave our mom the gift of Storyworth. She was 88 at the time. The pandemic was in its ninth mon [...]
After The Pandemic March 12, 2020. This is the day I became a re-nester after the global pandemic. Fifteen months later, they have moved out. I am an em [...]
Rushing In Is your daughter considering joining a sorority? Both of my daughters did. They had different recruitment experiences but joined the same so [...]
Get These 3 Legal Documents Ready HaveUHeard that once your child reaches the age of 18, they are considered a legal adult. Without the proper legal for [...]
The Time Will Fly By Here we are 2021 and colleges are sending out acceptances. Reading the Facebook posts and seeing the questions from overwhelmed pa [...]
Moving My Daughter Back to NYC In September 2019, I moved my youngest daughter to NYC. Her sister moved up three weeks later. When they came home in Mar [...]
Not All Classrooms Have Four Walls Study Abroad programs are quite popular. Most programs were paused for 2020, but they are reopening up again. My dau [...]
What It Was Like Living With My Adult Daughters Empty-nesting to re-nesting to empty nesting again and back to re-nesting. The amount of times my living [...]
Some Fun Facts If you’ve been reading HaveUHeard for years or you’re a newcomer, I want to start off by saying thank you for your support! I write about [...]
What Does This Mean? The term Sandwich Generation describes many of us even if you have not heard the term before. We are finding ourselves stretched th [...]
HaveUHeard that once your child is 18, they are considered a legal adult? It was close to 10 p.m. when I received the call from my daughter, then a juni [...]
If you use any of the social media platforms, you have probably seen a monumental increase in shaming, criticizing, and judging which, IMO, is a shame. During these past fourteen years, I have used Facebook to share family photos, market a charity’s fundraisers, sell in the marketplace, and reconnect with old friends and acquaintances. I think it is a great platform for small businesses, such as HaveUHeard but during the past two-plus years, I have noticed an increased amount of parent shaming.
Great Finds From Etsy Both of my adult kids are home temporarily living with me. They have bedrooms but we needed a work from home space. Suddenly the h [...]
When we dropped our daughter off at college, her dad and I and her younger sister drove away, tears streaming down our faces (well not her sister’s face). We’d return home as a family of three which took on a whole new personality. This was the first of many life shifts I came to understand. It took some time for us to adjust to the empty chair at the dinner table and to cooking for three and only having to chauffeur one child around. It was different. Not good different, not bad different … just different.
Great Gear for Home Workouts Are you doing any home workouts during this at-home time? I created a home gym when my young adult daughters lived with me [...]
I am not sure if you noticed, but charcuterie boards are all the rage. My young adult daughters have been making charcuterie boards for years. My nephew has one almost every Friday with wine (according to his IG stories); he loves them so much, I recently bought him a large bamboo cheese board with serving tools. Head to Instagram and search under #charcuterieboard and you are bound to see some works of art. A typical charcuterie, the word derived from the French words that mean flesh and cooked, consists of mainly meats and cheeses. These boards have progressed to some of the most decadent and sweet hot cocoa holiday charcuterie boards.
Celebrate the Unconditional Love of Mother’s Day Mother’s Day’s originated to celebrate the women who “championed efforts toward better health, welfare, [...]
Blooming Love Mother's Day is just around the corner. What better way to celebrate Mom than by treating her to a floral-theme table? Picture this: a whi [...]
I cannot believe that the holidays are approaching. For those that celebrate Hannukah, the first night is December 19th with Christmas less than a week later. I don’t know about you, but my email and actual mailbox, is filled with catalogs and discount coupons. Black Friday deals are out earlier than they have ever been. The shopping season has begun.