OK, What’s Done Is Done.
Your student got in trouble. Or they are having trouble. Now what? It’s not uncommon. Sometimes even “the best kids” end up getting in trouble in some fashion during college. It could be as simple as a parking ticket, or as big as a charge of plagiarism. Problems with a roommate, an apartment lease, getting caught underage drinking, are just a few of the issues that can play havoc with a college student and their parents. No matter how well we’ve warned them to be safe, and follow school rules, it is important to also know what to do if trouble arises.
First, breathe. Your student is probably freaking out and is terrified to talk to you. Remain calm and get all of the facts. Remind your child to obtain and keep all paperwork and information. At Florida Atlantic University, there are several avenues in which an issue may be resolved. The Division of Student Affairs engages, supports, and develops students and the University community by providing exemplary services, programs, and facilities as they foster a caring and inclusive environment. Here is a complete list where your student can go to find resources for resolving issues such as academics, mental health counseling, and roommate conflicts to name a few.
Not surprisingly, the Boca Raton and FAU police departments take underage drinking very seriously and can be seen handing out MIPs on and off-campus, otherwise known as a Minor in Possession. This is considered to be in violation of the Student Code of Conduct. If a student is a dependent and under the age of 21, it is reported to the Dean’s Office and the University is permitted to inform parents or guardians. Students will be required to visit the Dean’s Office, partake in a community service project, and enroll in a $100 Alcohol Awareness Course. FAU’s Alcohol Policy may be found here within the student code of conduct.
As for student code and conduct violations, FAU utilizes the Dean of Students Office to deal with these issues. Violations include plagiarism, cheating, university housing code violations, and Greek Conduct violations, among others. Each violation is dependent on the overseeing committee’s discretion and the degree of the violation.
There have been students who are pulled over and ticketed for not having their school address on their license. That will not hold up in court as non-resident college students attending college in Florida may drive in Florida without having a Florida driver’s license if they have a valid license from another state or country. For resident college students, a Florida Statute exempts students while at school in Florida so they are allowed to keep their home address.
If they do get in trouble and you need to contact someone at the University, here is a list of important contacts to have on hand.
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