Advice Every Freshman Should Know
Moving to an unfamiliar place where you don’t know the area or a lot of people can be intimidating and challenging. It is a complete step out of your comfort zone, away from your familiar surroundings and your network of close friends and family. High school is not comparable to college even in the slightest. Get all the advice you can.
Making friends takes time and it requires effort. I was so overwhelmed by the number of clubs and organizations that Florida State had to offer that I didn’t join in at first. I can’t stress it enough how getting involved is a great way to not only make friends but make lifelong memories. Everyone is so welcoming and there is a niche for everyone. The one event I would suggest participating in is Dance Marathon. Everyone works together whether they dance or not. It is an amazing feeling to be able to say you contributed to this incredible movement.
- It is so important that you don’t slack off your freshman year because it will only make you work twice as hard to build your GPA up later. Don’t hesitate to get tutoring. College is a big adjustment.
- If you have not learned already, the bookstore will rip you off if you don’t use their price match system. You purchase the books at the full price, but they give you the difference on a gift card for other purchases. There are so many other resources, like Amazon, Chegg, and FSU class Facebook pages, as well that are more affordable to purchase or rent your books.
- Go to many football games. Actually, go to every sports game that you can. Our student section is unimaginable and the sound of a unified war chant will send a chill down your spine. Putting on that Garnet and Gold and unleashing as much school spirit as possible is a must. I can even recommend what to wear to those games and where to tailgate.
- Did I mention the endless campus resources that are available free or at a low cost? The Rez that is located on Lake Bradford is the perfect getaway from stress and is free to FSU students. There are canoes, paddleboards, and kayaks available to rent. If you are looking to pump your endorphins with exercise, then there is the Leach and Health and Wellness Center gym on campus. No more excuses about not affording a gym membership because all that is required is a valid FSU ID to get in!
- If you think you can live off 4-5 hours of sleep, you’re wrong. You will crash eventually, so get some sleep!
- Go to office hours – Here I am, a junior, in need of recommendations, and I have no professors to give me any because I just didn’t even introduce myself. Professors like students that go out of their way to ask a question or to answer them in a lecture. It is important to engage in the class.
- Try not to take classes every day. For instance, if you can leave your Mondays or Fridays as a study and catch up on workday; you will be grateful for that extra time.
- Use social media with caution. Perhaps this sounds like motherly advice, but I assure you that before you know it you will be looking for a job in the real world, and cleaning it up is much more difficult than keeping it clean from the start.
- Live it up–it goes by so fast and there is far more to do here at FSU and in Tally than you might think. Check out our bucket list.
I can’t guarantee that college will be smooth sailing from here on out, but one thing I can promise to you though is: These will be the best four years of your life at Florida State University.
Go Noles!
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