The Supply is Greater Than the Demand. Here’s How to Sublease
HaveUHeard about how to sublease? Students generally sign a lease for twelve months when they move into an off-campus apartment. (it is actually a 10-month lease that apartments are prorated, so it gets paid over 12 months). Unlike most dorms (but not all, because the Towers require a year’s lease), students are responsible for the entire year, even if they do not intend to stay for the summer. However, most apartment complexes will allow students to sublet their apartments. You will, however, have to jump through a few hoops to make it happen. To find a sublessor for the summer, it is best to start looking at the semester before (in the fall). Post on Facebook pages and begin asking around in December. Here are some of the more popular Facebook pages that UCF students use to find potential sublessors:
UCF Class of 20XX (insert year you graduate) Official Group
UCF Housing & Full Sail Subleases Roommates Off-Campus Apartments- Orlando
UCF Housing
UCF Housing, Rooms, Apartments, Sublets
If your student is a sorority or fraternity member or involved in a club, getting the word out early and potentially subletting to someone they know is generally better. The truth is, there are far more apartments available to sublet every summer than there are students looking to sublet, so if you can make an arrangement with someone you trust early, take it. If you want someone to take over for the fall semester, try looking at the summer before. Many people sign a lease and find options that better suit them last minute.
If you are looking for a spring sublease, this may be a bit tough since most people have already signed year leases. Definitely start posting in the fall semester (around October/November). Some students are tied to a year’s lease and may have decided to do a semester abroad or take a semester off, so sublets are out there. Unlike summer, finding a desirable apartment with roommates, you will be happy to live with is more difficult than finding someone to rent your place. Most people tend to give up their summer leases, so finding someone to take over your lease in the summer can be tricky. However, it is possible. Chances are you will not get your full rent covered. Something is better than nothing, though.
Some apartment complexes charge a sublet fee. Most all require signed forms with complete information on your sublessor. It is to your advantage to play by the rules and be sure all forms and fees are taken care of because, without them, you (the original renter) are responsible for any damage that may occur in your absence…and it happens. As a matter of fact, all the renters/roommates may be responsible if they cannot be sure who caused the damage. My daughter was recently charged for a broken washing machine when she wasn’t in the country. There was no way to identify who caused the damage and since her name is still on the lease…
These are the most popular UCF apartments that allow a sublease:
The Hub: to sublease, you must pay a release fee of $500
The Village at Science Drive: $250 fee from the resident; new move-in pays $199 for the application fee online. New move-ins need to purchase a $45 car decal (not optional).
Knights Circle: resident must pay a sublet fee of $350
The Station: lease takeover process (not sublease) requires you must sign a form that you can give up your room and pay a $250 release fee. The new move-in must pay a $50 application fee, $150 admin fee, and $100 security deposit
UHouse: resident must pay $200, and the new move-in must pay $50
The Verge: The resident must pay either $200 if it is in the summer or $250 in the fall. – The new move-in must pay $99 application fee
The Pointe: The resident must pay $350, and the new move-in must pay a $125 admin fee
Depending on how much you will be getting for the sublet for the summer, once the fees are paid, you may also want to consider the cost of storing your student’s belongings during the duration of the sublet. Check out our blog on storage here.
Another resource is 407apartments.com, which is a guide to Orlando apartments that meet your lifestyle and budget.
Pass on these great tips, tell your friends, and like us on Instagram, TikTok, and Pinterest.
Shelly Massre, UCF Intern
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