Here’s what you do now, new Knight!
Your son or daughter is going to be a Knight!! Congratulations!! It is great to be a Knight for so many reasons. You can now take that sigh of relief that a decision has been made and then take a look at our list of what to do next. First, this may sound silly, but check your admissions letter for accuracy regarding their name, entrance term, address, and major. If any changes need to be made it needs to happen in writing or online at myUCF.
Next, you are going to want to get that $200 deposit and form in by May 1 for summer and fall semesters and December 1 for the spring semester. Without the deposit, they won’t be able to register for the mandatory orientation, etc… This can also be done through myUCF. Register for a Knights email account. They will need one; all official UCF communication will be sent to their Knights email only. Then get that immunizations form completed and sent in. Registration cannot happen without this. You can download the form. By the way, while you are on the health services page, take note of all the amazing services they offer students, and yet, they do not require proof of insurance (though, of course, health insurance is highly recommended.)
Be sure to confirm the following
- your residency status for tuition purposes
- that your student has signed up for Bright Futures
- arranged for any final transcripts and scores (AP, IB, AICE, CLEP, and transfer credits) to be sent to the Office of Undergraduate Admissions
- your Florida PrePaid program if you have one (You will need to be familiar with what you paid for with Florida PrePaid.)
Get that FAFSA form started. You can check out our blog on the FAFSA form.
Check out the housing information. There are many options at UCF both on and off-campus. If living in a particular dorm is very important to your student, don’t wait too long to send a deposit and apply for housing. On-campus housing is limited and not guaranteed for all freshmen. Have your freshman join the Facebook group for their incoming class. Many freshmen find their future roommates through this group page.
If you haven’t already visited UCF, I highly recommend it. Campus tours are offered Monday through Friday from 10 to 2. They last approximately 2 hours. To tour the dorms you do not need a reservation, but sign up. They are available from 12-4 and you meet at the RWC. The only tours offered right now are in Libra and Hercules. Planning on having a group of 10 or more people? You may want to check out the Admitted Students FAQs page as well.
Also, check for any holds on your student’s account. It could be the simplest thing, but there is nothing worse than going to register for classes and not being able to because of a simple thing that could have been fixed earlier. Check out our blogs on Housing, Meal Plans, and Orientation for many more helpful details. Pass on these great tips, tell your friends and like us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Pinterest. Find out more about how to use HaveUHeard as a great resource. Sign up for other great tips at haveuheard.com.
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