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It’s Gator Gridiron time!
There will not be a Gator spring football game for the University of Florida this offseason, at least according to schedule. Due to concerns regarding COVID-19 (Coronavirus), the Southeastern Conference has suspended all practices and team activities through April 15th on top of previously canceling all regular and postseason competitions on Thursday. Thus, the University of Florida has announced today that the 2020 spring game and spring football practice will not be played as scheduled.
The Florida athletic department is closing all team areas in its athletic facilities until further notice. The football calendar is in the works trying to squeeze in a spring ball in early summer, whether the NCAA will allow us to start practices earlier in the fall, assuming we have a fall, those are things that will still be decided. The spring football program is currently “in flux” until further notice, given the unpredictability of the spread of the disease. The university moved all classes online on Monday, March 16th. The university is suggesting that students return home during this time, though Stricklin noted that student centers will remain open for those who can not leave.
Previous years had the traditional Gator Walk, a Pep Rally, Food Trucks, and many other events. In addition to the football game, there are many other UF sports teams that would be playing that weekend including baseball, lacrosse, and tennis. When things start up again, don’t forget to dress in your Gators’ attire. Check out our blog on GameDay attire for parents. Students, we’ve got you covered too!
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