Hundreds of Dining Options
Like any college town, there are literally hundreds of dining options from fast food to fast-casual, from family-style to fine dining. You can get your burgers, order pizza, go Mexican or opt for Mediterranean, choose Chinese or select sushi, binge on Barbecue or stick to salads; there is most assuredly a restaurant for every palate and every price point. When coming to Gainesville to visit your student Gator or tour the campus with a prospective student, what restaurants are must-visits? Below we give you a breakdown of some of our favorites. During peak weekends and at some of the more popular selections, expect waits of an hour or more.
HaveUHeard that depending upon the occasion, you may not even get into a specific restaurant unless you get there very early? The Swamp is an example of a restaurant where it is very difficult to get a table during football Gamedays, graduation, or any other high demand weekend event. (That includes both home and away games, by the way). But, assuming your student will be at UF for at least four years, you should be able to try many of the restaurants that we personally recommend. We have broken it up by meal selection with some restaurants listed for breakfast, brunch, lunch, and dinner.
Archer, Mid, Downtown Slang
When visiting, you will often hear your students refer to areas in Gainesville such as Archer, Mid, Downtown. We’ve done the same here, which will help you to speak (or at least understand) your students’ Gainesville lingo.
Archer Road– This is where you will find most restaurants as it is the main road leading into the University from I-75. It is where most of the hotels and stores are as well. The restaurants will be located near I-75 (most of the restaurants below are east on Archer but there are some more west on Archer).
Midtown – Referred to by Gators as “Mid,” this stretch of town is located directly across from campus on University Drive and within walking distance for many Gator students. It is where you will find many of the restaurants and bars…and probably your college students when they’re out on the (Mid)town.
Downtown – Every college town has a downtown. In Gainesville, downtown is actually a bit further from campus. But it’s filled with restaurants, theaters, nightclubs, quaint shops, a weekly farmer’s market, and live music and entertainment. It’s actually where we spend most of the time with my daughter when we come to visit. Do plan a trip Downtown, and, like any downtown, be smart about not straying too far from the main area late at night.
For more details, click what you’re hungry for!
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