
New Housing for UM Students

haveuheard new housing um

Updated New Living Environments Coming To UM

Have you seen the housing? Freshman housing is the one area that most students can agree on, needs improvement, but new is on the way. When my daughter moved into UM freshman housing, we knew it was going to be a learning experience. Going from a nice comfortable family home to an old-fashioned desk area, the communal bathroom, nothing says freshman housing like a cinder block dorm room.

To be honest, it wasn’t all that bad, but compared to other schools where her friends were attending, the UM dorm space was somewhat outdated. Granted, the view from the dorm room overlooking Lake Osceola was nice and the convenient location on campus, more than made up for the ultra ‘minimalistic’ décor. The great news is that now UM on-campus housing is getting a complete overhaul!  Brand new construction and a major facelift on existing buildings. To get all the info on what is happening, read about the full residential housing renovation plans here.

The most exciting plans by far will be the completion of a $193 million new housing village, occupancy Fall 2019.  Located directly across the lake from the Donna Shalala Student Union, it will have 5 floors to house 1,000 students, in addition to an auditorium, a learning hub, a game room, dining and entertainment facilities, and classrooms and exhibit halls. Simply put it will be the crown jewel on this magnificent campus.

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2020-01-09T10:24:36-05:000 Comments

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