Our Best Tips for Your New College Student!
Ok, here you go on the big new adventure! Orientation and moving into a dorm. Here is what we’ve found to be the most helpful suggestions. Let us know if you have anything to add! First, check to see if there is now an app you can download once you get there. If they do it is much easier to find all of the sessions, PDFs of all the information on the slide presentations, a map of the campus, and everything and anything you need to know about your student’s first year.
Listen attentively but no need to take notes (remember, the app!). It can be very overwhelming. Go on the tour of the campus. Eat dinner with your student (your first introduction to campus dining); let your students lead the way in deciding what breakout sessions they want to attend. They are new to this process too and are probably excited but also nervous. They will have their first experience being assigned to share a room in the dorm with someone they do not know. They will participate in events just for this incoming class.
The most stressful part of orientation is registering for their classes. There is usually plenty of staff to give you assistance. And there is always drop/add when they can change their schedule during the first week of the semester. You will also be managing meal plans, registering vehicles, banking, and, of course, head over to the campus bookstore and start stocking up on your college-themed apparel. H
How to Dress – It is extremely humid in Florida in the summer and can be rainy so dress casually and wear good walking shoes. Bring an umbrella and an extra layer as it can get darn right cold inside with the a/c. Don’t forget your sunglasses, a hat, and some sunblock does not hurt either.
Move-It, Or Not To Move It…
Next comes move-in day! We’d like to share the few things you really do not need to purchase for a freshman. Do not purchase a printer. Most schools have a student printing solution (may be included with your student’s fees) This allows students to print, copy, and scan using the network of printers and multifunction devices around campus. Ask if your school has this!
Curtains. I know it says that students can bring curtains to cover up their closets because they have no doors, but trust us, the curtains will spend more time on the floor or pushed to the side. And when they crash to the floor in the middle of the night, nobody’s happy. Leave Alexa and Echo home. Not sure if their roommate would appreciate your student shouting commands.
It is tempting to want to simply pack by taking everything out of the drawers and closet, but it just won’t fit. There simply isn’t room no matter how many under-bed boxes you buy. The same holds true for shoes. My daughter took about 20 pairs of shoes with her. Even with a shoe rack, there just was not enough space.
So there you have it, in a nutshell, some of the top tips for orientation and move-in day.
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